What is USCG Documentation and Why Does it Matter?

Do you ever find yourself thinking: “just what is USCG documentation anyway? Where did this come from and why would I need it?” These are natural questions to ask. USCG documentation isn’t something new, it actually comes from the very First Congress of the United States. As the national form of vessel documentation, it has…

What a USCG Documentation Search May Find

It is essential to ensure that all of your paperwork is up to current if you are the owner of a USCG boat. A USCG documentation search can reveal that your vessel does not comply with the requirements. Keeping your paperwork up to date is one of the best ways to guarantee that your yacht…

USCG documentation

USCG Documentation for the Changes in Your Life

Has your life recently gone through changes that may affect the information on your Certificate of Documentation? Are you looking for a quick, easy way to update the info on your certificate with the powers that be? Here at the Vessel Registrar Center, we always aim to do everything in our power to make updating…

USCG Documentation Forms and Winter Safety

All year long, we provide you with USCG documentation forms and service. That means that we have all of the Certificates of Documentation, Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port files and the like that you could ever be looking for. One thing we always want to emphasize is safe boating. Being out on a…

US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Q&A

I Have a Commercial Vessel. Can I Use It How I Want?  Possibly. It depends on many different factors. Those factors include the commercial activities that you would use the vessel in, whether it was built in the United States or not, the net tonnage of the vessel, and other factors.  What’s the Definition of…

USCG Forms for the Life of Your Vessel

Are you unsure which USCG forms are right for your vessel? Does it feel like every year or so there’s another form of documentation you have to get for your boat and you aren’t sure what it is? That’s not just you. The truth is that vessel documentation can seem confusing and opaque even to…

What Does it Mean to Have USCG Documentation

If you are taking your first steps in the boating industry and its perks, it would probably be a good idea for you to understand everything surrounding the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Documentation. In the words of Merriam-Webster, the USCG is a branch of the US Armed Forces and an agency within the Department of…

Reasons to Transfer USCG Documentation Online

If you own a yacht in the United States, you know how important it is to have current paperwork. However, you may not be aware that it is now possible to transmit USCG documentation electronically. The effort required is little, and the benefits are substantial. If you want to know the first steps, then read…

coast guard form 1258

The Making of Coast Guard Form 1258

In the intricate world of maritime documentation, every form has a story. Vessel Registrar LLC welcomes you to explore the genesis of Coast Guard Form 1258, a crucial document in ensuring compliance on the high seas. Join us on a journey through the making of this form and its significance in the maritime landscape. The…