Your documents will be processed and screened for any omissions or errors. Once complete, we will change your status to pending.
Step 3
Enjoy your yacht!
We submit your documentation to the proper authorities, and you're done! Your docs will be completed by the U.S. Coast Guard. We will keep you updated as to their current wait list times.
Your documents will be processed and screened for any omissions or errors by our private company's documentation processors. Once complete, we will change your status to pending.
Enjoy your yacht
Our private company will submit your documentation to the proper authorities, and you're done! Your docs will be issued by the US Coast Guard. We will keep you updated as to their current wait list times.
Our two-step process makes documenting your vessel a boater's dream. Our private company's documentation processors will screen your application, file it, and follow through with the National Vessel Documentation Center until the document is issued.
Whether you're selling your vessel, purchasing a vessel, inheriting it from a family member or a friend, or any other transfer of ownership situation, you will need to complete the Request for Transfer of Documentation.
All USCG registered vessels must renew their Certificate of Documentation annually. This is a very simple, straightforward process, and we can enroll you in our automatic renewal system if you wish.
Owning a boat is often associated with freedom, adventure, and relaxation on the water. However, managing the paperwork that comes with boat ownership—such as renewing your boat registration—can sometimes feel time-consuming or confusing. Missing a deadline or skipping a renewal can lead to costly late fees, penalties, or even restrictions on using your vessel. Fortunately,…Read More
If you’re in the market to buy a boat or currently own one, there’s a critical step you can’t afford to overlook — obtaining an abstract of title. For buyers, it ensures the vessel you’re purchasing doesn’t come with hidden ownership issues. For current owners, it helps you maintain clear and undisputed ownership in the…Read More
All US documented vessels should have a name. This name goes along with identifying numbers and is important for the sale or purchase of a vessel, as well as in cases of theft, accident, or emergencies. There are a number of rules that go along with naming your boat and it’s important to adhere to…Read More
There are several advantages of documenting your boat with the US Coast Guard. The US Coast Guard boat documentation clears customs more quickly than state-registered boats. The reason for this is that your documented boat is recognized internationally to enter and leave foreign ports. US Coast Guard Boat Documentation in Safeguarding Your Vessels This documentation…Read More
Don’t you know where to start with your United States Coast Guard (USCG) Certificate of Documentation? Have you noticed how hard it is to find a site that easily explains what you should do to get or even how to process it online? That is the reason behind the creation of the Maritime Documentation Center:…Read More