Titled vessels must be “documented vessels,” with the Coast Guard. The smaller vessels and boats are registered with a particular State. USCG documented vessels are required to carry the USCG vessel documentation version of a title of vessel, called a “Certificate of Documentation.” If eligible, you can apply for one here.
In the event that you want to transfer ownership of a USCG documented vessel, you can use the “Transfer/Exchange” form at our site. Keep in mind: the vessel cannot be transferred nor removed from documentation in the event that there is an outstanding balance due on a lien, mortgage, and so forth.
If there is, then the lender should fill out this. “Satisfaction of Mortgage/Lien” form at our site.
In the event that you have a vessel that was recently built and has yet to be documented, form CG-1261 (a “Builder’s Certificate”) can establish ownership. Simply fill it out and indicate whom it was transferred to or built for. Another way to demonstrate proof of ownership is with a Certificate of Origin form from the manufacturer or, if appropriate, a foreign registration or a state one.