What is the Processing Time of Coast Guard Form1258?

Have you bought a new vessel? If you have, then make sure that you have the necessary documents to prove that you are now the legal owner of the boat. And if the boat is more than 5 net tons, make sure that you document it with the USCG. One of the requirements is the Coast Guard Form 1258

Importance of Coast Guard Form 1258 

The transfer of vessel ownership (USCG 1258) document is vital to gain permission to utilize your boat in US waters. As the new owner of the boat, you are responsible for filling in this form ASAP. Indeed, the seller has given you a certificate. But you will need to complete the form to get your own documentation. 

How Long to Process It? 

The first step in the process is to use the online form. You can check out the transfer form on the left side of this page. Make sure that you enter the correct details to avoid delays later on. Keep in mind that erroneous information can affect the transaction.

After submission, our team of documentation experts will review it. We will verify the accuracy and completion of the details you provided. In that way, when we pass it to the proper authority, it will be processed immediately. It means that you get to use and receive the document promptly. 


In some cases, the USCG may request additional information from you. This communication is part of the verification process. It aims to address any uncertainties or missing details that may impact your application. 

Processing Times Variation 

The processing times can vary based on factors, like volumes of applications, the complexity of individual cases, and additional details requested. You should be aware that processing times are not fixed. They may also be subject to fluctuations. 

Timely Response to Requests

To expedite the processing of this document, boat owners must respond promptly to any requests for additional details or clarifications. Timely and accurate responses contribute to a smoother and more efficient processing experience. 


Upon successful completion of the processing steps, the USCG will issue the approval for admission to a Foreign Trade Zone or the requested status designation. This marks the conclusion of the application process. You will receive the necessary documentation reflecting the approved status. 

Plan for Timely Submission 

To navigate the documentation process smoothly, make sure that you plan and submit the form in advance. Early submission lets you have sufficient processing time and minimizes potential delays. 

Stay Informed 

You must stay informed about the requirements and procedures associated with this form. Seek guidance from our team of experts or you may read our blog posts if you wish to know more about certificates of documentation and other related subjects. 

Coast Guard Form 1258

Getting the Help You Need 

For some boat owners, it is not easy to fill in the Coast Guard Form 1258. This is especially true if you are not sure about the relevant details to include. If you are not sure how to complete this form, contact our experts today. Our team of specialists will be happy to assist you with whatever issues you encounter related to this form.