Does Your USCG Documentation Expire? Don’t Get Caught Off-Guard This Spring

The anticipation of spring prompts a flurry of preparations for boating enthusiasts and maritime professionals alike. Beyond the maintenance checks and the updates to safety equipment, there’s an administrative aspect that’s crucial not to overlook: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) documentation. A common question we encounter at Vessel Registrar Center is, “Does Coast Guard documentation expire?”…

What to Do When Selling Your Documented Vessel?

Are you thinking of selling your documented vessel? This is a major choice, and there are many factors to consider. When do you even begin? Do you have any suggestions for preparing the yacht for sale? From listing your yacht online to finalizing the sale, we’ll cover everything in this piece. Putting your registered ship…

Boat CF numbers

Boat CF numbers: What They Mean and How to Get One

Are you wondering exactly which numbers you need to have marked on your vessel and which you don’t have to worry about? Does it seem confusing as to which numbers are important and which are less so? We designed the Vessel Registrar Center to not just be a place where vessel owners could find the…

Ship Documentation

Ship Documentation Hacks for Smart Mariners

Ahoy, savvy mariners! Vessel Registrar Center extends a warm welcome as we set sail into the world of vessel documentation hacks. In this guide crafted for smart navigators, we unravel insider tips and tricks that promise to make your maritime journey smoother and more efficient. Let’s embark on a voyage of knowledge to ensure your…

What is the USCG?

There are many facets to the U.S. government, and each department and service has different roles and responsibilities. The military is no different, and the various branches of the military operate both as a unit and independently. While most people may hear about the military and immediately think of the services like the Army, Navy,…