Boat Registration Renewal: Faster, Smarter, Better

A “ticking clock” can cause anyone to be nervous. When there’s a deadline, when something has to be done at a certain time, it can make everyone a bit on edge, causing them to not react as well as they might have. Your vessel documentation has to be renewed annually (except for certain exceptions, which…

Coast Guard Name Search

Does Coast Guard Name Search Help You Know If Your Boat is Documented?

If you are buying or selling a vessel, it is pertinent that you carry out a Coast Guard name search. Unfortunately, many boat owners do not know the reason behind it. One of the reasons you should conduct this search is to know if the boat you are buying or selling is properly documented with…

What is a Hailing Port? And Other Questions

Every industry, every hobby has its own jargon. In boating, the jargon might actually be more dense and esoteric than in other industries. While there may be several reasons that this is true, a significant one is that people have been boating for literally thousands of years. That’s plenty of time for terms to be…

Your Connection to the US Vessel Registry

The US Vessel Registry, among other things, keeps track of USCG vessel documentation. If this may sound new to you, it very much isn’t new. In fact, this is one of the first agreed-upon functions of the United States government. The 11th act of the very First Congress was setting up vessel documentation. The reasons…

Coast Guard Documentation Search

How to Properly Conduct Coast Guard Documentation Search in 2024?

Are you shopping for a boat to be used for your business? if you are, then make sure that you conduct a Coast Guard documentation search first. It is well worth your time and effort as it can help you find the necessary information about the boat you wish to purchase.  What is the Purpose…

USCG Vessel Documentation Center to Help You Research Vessels All Over

Do you have your eye on a boat but aren’t sure if it’s the right vessel for you? Are you in the process of doing your research and need an unimpeachable source that you can trust? That’s something we specialize in here at the USCG Vessel Documentation Center. We have multiple forms that can help…

USCG Vessel Registry

Can You Use a Boat Without Being on the USCG Vessel Registry?

The short answer is, yes you can. However, the USCG vessel registry exists for a reason, and getting around it is a legal matter that requires specific paperwork. This is true of boats manufactured outside the United States, as well as those that you want to use to transport passengers. If your boat meets the…

Documented Boat Names

How to Change the Name of Your Boat and Register It with the USCG?

Some people believe that renaming a boat can bring bad omens. According to an old legend, the gods of the sea know each boat by name. For that reason, you need to carry out a purging ceremony to get rid of the existing name from their ledgers. If you failed to follow, you might face…

Boat Documentation Vs. State Registration (2022 Update)

Registering your boat with the government can be accomplished in two ways: boat documentation or state registration. There are two methods to register your boat with the government: boat documentation vs. state registration. Consider boat documentation if you’re looking for a more recent alternative to state registration. Boat paperwork is a newer alternative with certain…

A Form of Coast Guard Registration for Some Foreign-Built Vessels: MARAD

Did you recently come into possession of a foreign-built vessel and aren’t sure what you can and can’t do with it? Does it seem like you’re very limited in terms of how you can use it to make a profit? Coast Guard registration (vessel registration), in America, dates back to the 11th act of the…

Coast Guard Renewal Documentation to Stay Afloat

Do you feel like your vessel’s documentation needs to be renewed soon, but you aren’t sure how to do so? Does it feel like when you sit down to complete vessel documentation forms that it’s all much harder than it should be? Documentation renewal is one of the most common reasons that folks use our…

Tips for Staying in Compliance with the NVDC

Have you been through a series of life changes, and aren’t sure if you’re still in compliance with regards to your vessel documentation? Did you go through a major change, such as a move, and aren’t sure what the next step is? We designed our NVDC to make it easier to always be in compliance…

How To Document Your Boat in 2022

What exactly are you looking to get on the water for? Is it just for fun? Or are you thinking of engaging in commercial activities such as people transport or fishing? There is an answer to every question. Learn how to document your boat with these easy instructions. Next year is just around the corner…

A Boat Name Lookup for Everything you Need

There’s so much you want to do before you purchase a boat. After all, you’re buying a boat: this is not a small thing. This is a purchase that you’ll remember for the rest of your life, whether you’re buying a five net ton vessel for your new commercial fishing business, or if you’re purchasing…