“I can’t find a ‘bill of sale for a boat’ form online, can I just write it up by hand?” “Can I really use that bill to sell my documented vessel?” Selling your vessel can be an exciting time. You’ve found someone who’s willing to buy your vessel at your price. But, before you complete…

How to Draw Up a Bill of Sale for a Vessel Trailer
A bill of sale is a piece of paperwork that documents the sale of a large and valuable item, in this case, a boat trailer. It’s an agreement between the buyer and the seller of the item that details the transaction, which usually includes details about the item in question, including price and specs. The…
A Beginner’s Guide on Vessels’ Abstract of Title
You finally were able to purchase the boat of your dreams. With current inflation and all of the different regulations instaurated, keeping your vessel up to date is not as simple as it used to be. Find out about the necessary documentation, in particular about the vessels’ abstract of title in this beginner’s guide. Abstract…
Things Owners Should Do Before the USCG Inspection
United States Coast Guard (USCG) flagged boats must undergo a mandated examination every two years also known as the USCG inspection. Any vessel used for profit falls under this category, whether a commercial fishing boat, a tow boat, a passenger ship, or anything else. Everything from the ship’s safety gear to its structural soundness is…

Is Coast Guard Certification Applicable to Recreational Boats?
Coast Guard boat certification is a crucial aspect of maritime safety. However, it is primarily associated with commercial vessels. But can you still document your recreational boat with the USCG? The Purpose of Coast Guard Boat Certification The USCG only issues this certificate to boats that meet certain safety and construction standards. It is mandatory…
When You Buy Your First U.S. Vessel
You have been searching around for the perfect boat for quite a while now, and you think you have finally found the one that you really want. It has all the features you are looking for, both inside and out, and is right at the ideal price point for you. It looks like the sale…

Why Do You Need to Use a Documentation Service to Request a Boat Bill of Sale?
When you buy or sell your boat, you would want the transaction to be smooth and legal. One vital document in this process is the boat bill of sale. It serves as proof of ownership transfer and records the key details of the traction. Can You Create a Boat Bill of Sale Independently? Yes, it…
Our National Vessel Documentation Center: Simplicity and Security
Have you been searching online for a National Vessel Documentation Center that actually makes the documentation process easier, yet you haven’t found anything that you like? Does it seem like each site that says they’ll “simplify the process” actually ends up making it more complicated and complex? As vessel owners ourselves, that’s what we found…

Why It’s So Much Easier to Renew Coast Guard Documentation Online
It might not be the most glamorous side of vessel ownership, but making sure that all of your documentation is in date and in order is arguably the single most important element to keep track of over the course of your boat’s lifespan. Put simply, if your paperwork is not in order, then the majority…

Abstract of Title: Nothing Abstract About Why Might You Need One
How an Abstract is Different from a Vessel Documentation Site “But wait,” you might be saying at this point, “do I really need to apply for an abstract through your site? I can see you have a link for a ‘vessel documentation search.” Our vessel documentation search can be very helpful indeed. But, crucially, it…
How to Get on the US Coast Guard Boat Registry and Stay There
It’s possible that a lot of people who own boats aren’t familiar with the US Coast Guard boat registry or the advantages of being listed on it. The United States Coast Guard maintains a database of all boats in the country that are registered with them as part of the USCG’s boat registry. The United…
Getting Your Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation in Order
Every boat owner knows how important it is to have the corresponding registration in order whenever you are operating commercially. In fact, it’s imperative that you have your certificate of documentation in order at all times. Now, what happens if you don’t have it? What happens if something happens to it? What happens if you…

USCG Vessel Search and Rescue Missions
In the expansive realm of maritime operations, vessel search stands as a beacon of hope and efficiency. Join Vessel Registrar LLC on an illuminating voyage into the intertwined worlds of USCG vessel search and daring search and rescue missions, where the line between vigilant searchers and valiant rescuers blurs. The Digital Compass At the heart…

Documented Vessel Bill of Sale Success: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers
A documented vessel bill of sale is a simple document. It is true. But it plays a vital role in a range of transactions. Understanding its importance is vital whether you are buying a boat or selling one. For one, this fundamental document can act as a physical proof of the transaction. Navigating Documented Vessel…
How Our National Vessel Documentation Center Improves Documentation
Does the idea of sitting down to fill out your online documentation make you want to do literally anything else? Have you tried to schedule a time to complete your documentation, yet as the time draws near you procrastinate, and just keep putting it off? We designed our National Vessel Documentation Center for, well, people…