Congratulations! You finally have found the boat of your dreams and you are ready to make your purchase. Your next course of action should be centered on ensuring you have the proper documentation moving forward. It’s not enough to hand over the money and call the boat yours. It can be a confusing, long and…
10 Things About Documented Vessel Number
Are you using your vessel in international waters? Is it over 5 net tons? If you answer yes to these questions, then you need to document your vessel and receive a documented vessel number. Owning a documented vessel comes with a unique sense of pride and privilege. It is not just a boat. Rather, it…
Does a USCG Vessel Registry Store Title Boats?
Vessel documentation is a type of regulation that serves as a standard to prove the boat’s nationality. It is vital if you sail in international waters. This is a form of endorsement by the USCG. The USCG vessel registry can tell whether or not the endorsement is for recreational purposes or international trade purposes. The…
USCG Documentation Center Tips for Cold Weather Boating
As winter approaches, boating on rivers and lakes arises considerable concerns. The USCG Documentation Center issued several safety tips onboard. Pay attention to them to enjoy the full winter-boating season. There is no time like the present to get on your boat and head out to the water, even if it is that time of…
The Importance of Regular USCG Renewals
Did you know that boat owners in the United States must regularly renew their paperwork with the Coast Guard? If you didn’t, you should find out. Continue reading this article if you are unsure what USCG renewals imply or why it is significant. We will explain all you need to know about USCG renewals, including…
What Maritime Documents You Must Peruse When Buying a Boat?
It is an exciting process when buying a boat. But before you make a final decision, it is vital that you have a clear understanding of your boating needs and lifestyle. Consider where you want to go. Will you go island hopping? Or will you use it for commercial fishing? Make sure that the owner…
In Time, Money, and More: How Much Is It to Register a Boat?
The costs for vessel registration are not as expensive as the costs for not getting vessel registration. Should you take your vessel out without the proper registration, you expose yourself to heavy fines and worse. Here at our site, we’ve devised a way to get your vessel documentation covered in the fastest way possible. That…
Better Access to the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database
The Coast Guard boat registration database is specifically designed to keep track of registered vessels. It has quite a bit of information on vessels that are registered, which can come in handy when you’re researching a vessel you’ve had your eye on or even if you’re just curious about what’s out there. However, as great…
The Secrets About National Vessel Documentation
National vessel documentation is a kind of boat registration at the federal level. Documentation can provide evidence of nationality for international purposes. It is important to note that not all boats are required to be documented with the USCG. However, all boats must be registered, either nationally or locally. What are Some of the Things…
Find Every Boat Documentation Cost in Our Online Forms
If you’re wondering how to find every boat documentation cost in our online forms, you’re in the right place. Here at the Maritime Documentation Center’s office, we understand that finding the most accurate information and services related to your marine needs is challenging. To make your experience even simpler, we offer several ways so that…
US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation [CG-1270] Guide
Are you considering getting a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s the right course of action? Do you have questions about your eligibility for a Certificate of Documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center, in part, to help with those exact queries. Of all of the forms that we assist…
USCG Licensing from As Far As the Eye Can See
At the risk of saying something that’s too obvious, boat owners like to be on their boats. They don’t like to sit around, they don’t like to spend too much time on land, and they hate to have something keep them from doing what they want to do. Taking care of USCG licensing and registration,…
Can You Find the Serial Numbers of the Boat in the Vessel Documentation Database?
Vessel documentation is a crucial component of maritime regulation in the US. It serves as a centralized system for recording essential information about boats and ships, including their nationality, ownership, and eligibility for certain activities. As a boat owner, you may wonder if the serial numbers of boats are stored in the vessel documentation database.…
Vessel Documentation Portal Protected by SSL Encryption
The new Vessel Documentation Portal from the U.S. Coast Guard is now SSL encrypted, making it more secure for users. The USCG made this adjustment to protect the personal information of all boat owners. There is a process that vessel owners must go through before using the VDP. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption ensures that…
Where Can I Get a US Coast Guard Bill of Sale?
There is plenty of boat documentation that is important during a vessel’s lifetime – some of it all the time and others required at specific times or for incidents in a boat’s history. One document of import that is only needed for specific undertakings is a US Coast Guard bill of sale. This is one…