Why Is Coast Guard Documentation Necessary?

If you own a vessel operated by the United States Coast Guard, you must understand the significance of Coast Guard documentation. Vessel documentation informs the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about who owns a certain vessel and how it should be utilized. It is required to get Coast Guard documentation for any vessel operated by…

Getting a Certificate of Documentation Without Being Certifiable

If you’re like so many other vessel owners, then you probably have a procedure for when you start your vessel up. You may have a checklist you go through in order to make sure that everything is in working order before you set out on the water. Your vessel documentation works in a similar fashion.…

Tips for Doing Boat Documentation Renewal Without Stress

It is again that time of year when boat owners worldwide rush to complete the boat documentation renewal before the deadline. Don’t worry if you’re one of those folks; we’ve got some helpful hints to make the procedure go as quickly and efficiently as possible. You may steer clear of the worry and anxiety that…

Looking for USCG Name Search Results? We Can Help!

If you are the owner of a yacht in the United States, there is a significant probability that you have been seeking a means USCG name search. Maritime Documentation may, fortunately, be of assistance in this matter. You can locate information about any vessel registered in the United States using our user-friendly tool that does…

The Easy Way to Get US Coast Guard Boats Documentation

After you invest money into a boat, whether it is a trading ship or a yacht, you will need to make sure that you are fully documented before you go out into the water for the first time. In order to go out into the water and be permitted to sail by the US coast…

Requirements for a Vessel Documentation Search

Did you know that you may search for USCG records by either the bridge number, the name of the vessel, or the VIN? It’s accurate! You will be able to discover information such as whether or not your boat has been examined, whether or not it complies with safety requirements, and much more. You only…

What Goes into the Coast Guard Vessel Registry?

If you are new to the boating world and are just starting your search for your first large recreational vessel, there is some homework that you will want to do before you take the plunge and buy a boat. Starting out by researching what is required in your state regarding boat ownership is always a…

Coast Guard Safety Requirements

Coast Guard Safety Requirements: Secure on the Water

Are you a boat owner looking to securely explore the open waters? Keeping up with Coast Guard safety requirements is key for any vessel out there. Knowing and fulfilling these requirements can ensure not only your own safety but also that of any passengers who may be accompanying you on your journey. This guide will…

USCG Boat Documentation

Will You Find Personal Identifiable Information (PII) During Boat Documentation Search?

There are many benefits of USCG-documented boats. For instance, if you use your boat in international waters, USCG documentation lets you enter and leave foreign ports easily. If you are planning to purchase a documented boat and wish to know the owner’s details, can you find personally identifiable information when you conduct a USCG boat…

Why Should Vessel Documentation Services SSL Encrypted?

Is SSL encryption available via your vessel documentation service provider? Likely, you don’t want the US Coast Guard to have access to your personal information and financial activities. You may protect yourself from identity theft by utilizing an SSL-encrypted service, even if the US Coast Guard protects you from being hacked. There is a big…

Vessel Documentation Search for the Best Submission Portal is Over

Have you been searching for an easier way to complete your vessel documentation? Does it feel like it shouldn’t be difficult in the slightest to fill out vessel documentation? Before we started our site, we were vessel owners, just like you. We would do a vessel documentation search for a portal that made things easier…

What you Need to Know About the USCG Abstract of Title

Any vessel that was at some point registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) generated a type of document that we call “Abstract of Title”. If you are not familiar with this type of paperwork there is no need to stress. No one was born knowing what US Coast documentation is or what you…

USCG Documentation Fee

Eligible Boat: What is the USCG Documentation Fee?

If your boat is Coast Guard documented, you can clear customs quicker than when you have a State-registered vessel. However, not all boats are eligible for documentation. In that case, the only time you pay for the USCG documentation fee is when you need to document your boat if it is eligible.  The Importance of…

Facts About USCG Documentation

If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of USCG documentation, but may not know exactly what it is. It stands for “United States Coast Guard Documentation.” It can help with a wide variety of thing. People don’t often realize that. It can also be difficult and ultimately quite time consuming to fill out. It can…

Abstract Of Title Form

Abstract Of Title Form: Your Boat’s Historical Passport

With the spring boat buying season in full swing, savvy vessel owners and registrants know that preparation is vital to a successful purchase. In the bustling market, one document stands out as indispensable for buyers, sellers, boat brokers, and service suppliers alike—the Abstract of Title form.  This article aims to decode this document, explain why…