Ship Documentation You Need for your Vessel This Summer

Knowing what is the appropriate ship documentation the law requires boat owners to possess is something you need to be aware of. Keeping your paperwork up to date can avoid you from paying expensive fines and help you to freely navigate with your vessel. If you want this to happen you need to stay current…

CG 2692

Why Every Responsible Boat Owner Needs to Know About the CG 2692 Form

If you’ve been part of a reportable incident involving your boat, it’s imperative that you make a report to the United States Coast Guard “as soon as reasonably practicable without delay.” As the fines can reach more than $30,000 for failing to do so, you will want to do this immediately. Part of the process…

Why Should I Get U.S. Coast Guard Documentation?

If you’re the owner of a vessel that operates in U.S. waters, you should consider getting U.S. Coast Guard documentation. It’s true that when most people think of the United States Coast Guard, they picture daring rescues at sea, but this military service is responsible for much more. In truth, it has much to do…

How To Sell a Documented Vessel with The Right Paperwork?

USCG vessel owners need to ensure they have all of the proper documentation before selling their boats. We’ll go through the processes you need to follow to sell a documented vessel in this blog article. For example, the Coast Guard issues a Certificate of Documentation (COD). Because the vessel is owned and controlled by the…

US Coast Guard Documentation for Small Vessels Sans Documentation: MARAD

Do you have a vessel that you aren’t sure what to do with? Is there a vessel in your possession that you think may be foreign-built but you still want to see how you can use it in a commercial capacity legally? If you’ve looked at our FAQ and some of our other blogs, then…

USCG Vessel Documentation Transfer

Will You Know if the Boat is Stolen During USCG Vessel Documentation Transfer?

Did you know that it is now easier to steal boats than vehicles? The reason for this is that you can easily strip boats. It is a lucrative business. Now, if you are planning to purchase a boat, you should do your due diligence. Find out first if it is a stolen boat. Can the…

Process Your Boat Bill of Sale Form Easily at Our Site

When you buy a boat, there is several necessary paperwork that you are responsible for taking care of, such as registration papers. The boat bill of sale form is among the essential documents. You are the legitimate owner of the boat, as shown by this paperwork, which certifies it. If you’re anything like most people,…

Boat Name Search

Boat Name Search – Is It a Necessity When Renewing Your Boat Documentation?

If you have a vessel documented with the USCG, then you must know that its Certificate of Documentation needs to be renewed every year. Failure to renew it will not let you enjoy the benefits of owning a documented vessel. When you do renew it, you might wonder whether you need to use a boat…

Meeting Coast Guard Boat Requirements: Privacy and Safety

When you go out on the water, you have a plan. You have a clear idea of where you’re going to take your vessel and when. You make sure that someone on land knows where you’re supposed to be and when you’re supposed to be there. You do this because it’s safe – it protects…

Coastwise Endorsement Requirements

Coastwise Endorsement Requirements and Others: Use Your Boat How You Want

Are you considering documenting your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Some vessels can be documented while others have to be. Should you choose to document your vessel, you’re going to want to pick an endorsement that best matches how you’ll use your vessel. The coastwise endorsement, as well as its other…

Do You Have to Get Ship Documentation?

When you first decide that you are going to purchase a boat, either for your business or for personal use, you should put some time into planning, researching, and learning as much as you can about the process before you jump in and spend the money on a boat. Some people may want to get…

Best Practices and Ideas for USCG Boat Names

Do you know what you want the name of your vessel to be, but you aren’t sure if it’s the right one? Are you unsure what to name your vessel and want to know the rules? The name of your vessel may not seem like the biggest deal in the world, but it’s actually quite…

What is a Certificate of Deletion of Vessel and When Will You Need it?

Our team at the Maritime Documentation Center receives a lot of questions about all the complicated vessel documentation processes, from the registration process to transfers of ownership. One of the most common queries on our site is about the option for a certificate of deletion of vessel. What is this about? When do people need…

Drinking Alcohol Before or While Operating a Vessel

Drinking Alcohol Before or While Operating a Vessel and More Don’ts

Boating is one of the best ways to spend time with family and friends, enjoy nature’s beauty around us, or engage in some much-needed solitude. When you are on the water, fun should be had and safety should always come first! As a vessel documentation company, we want all boat owners to stay safe while…

Visual Distress Signals for Boats

Lights on the Water: Visual Distress Signals for Boats

Whether you’re a recreational sailor or a professional maritime navigator, the waters can be unpredictable. As a boat owner, it is important to familiarize yourself with visual distress signals for boats – an array of lights and shapes on the water that indicate another vessel may be in peril or require assistance. Knowing how to…