uscg vessel search

USCG Vessel Search Tips for Buyers and Sellers

Navigating the intricate world of buying or selling a vessel can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a buyer looking for the perfect boat or a seller eager to find the right owner, vessel search can be your most potent ally. In this article, we’ll explore expert tips for buyers and sellers using our USCG…

Coast Guard Regulations

Coast Guard Regulations Regarding Recreational Boats

If you are new to the world of boat ownership, then you might not realize just how many rules and regulations there are surrounding the vessel that you can now boast as your own. In an ideal world, it would just be a case of paying your money and getting out there on the open…

NOAA Boat Registry

Guide to NOAA Boat Registry and How to Comply with the Requirements

As required by law, you need to submit your application to the NOAA boat registry to register your vessel. But not all boats are required to do so. If you own a boat and you use it for commercial fishing, research, or other activities related to marine resources, then registering it with the National Oceanic…

Processing Your Certificate of Deletion for A Vessel Online

You may be wondering, “Why do I need to process a certificate of deletion vessel?” And why can’t I put it up for sale on Craigslist or at a dock auction? Yes, these are good questions. You may sell your yacht over the phone or via Craigslist to someone interested. While this may seem like…

Boat Abstract of Title 2021 Update: What You Need to Know

Has it been a while since you purchased a new vessel? Have you been trying to do research into one vessel or another but want to make sure that you’re getting information that you know is correct? If so, then you’re going to need a boat Abstract of Title. This form can be invaluable, giving…

Abandoned Boats in Florida

Abandoned Boats in Florida: What to Do if You Encounter Them

Have you come across abandoned boats in Florida and aren’t sure about the protocols for procuring one? No worries – there’s much more to it than meets the eye. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through what constitutes an abandoned boat in Florida and touch on all aspects from acquiring one legally to understanding…

Is a Vessel Abstract of Title the Best Option For You?

If you own a boat in the United States, you have most likely heard of the notion of a vessel abstract of title at some point in your life. However, are you sure that this solution will work in your favor? In this article, we’ll look at what a vessel abstract of title is and how…

coast guard form 1258

The Making of Coast Guard Form 1258

In the intricate world of maritime documentation, every form has a story. Vessel Registrar LLC welcomes you to explore the genesis of Coast Guard Form 1258, a crucial document in ensuring compliance on the high seas. Join us on a journey through the making of this form and its significance in the maritime landscape. The…

Tips for Getting Your USCG License Faster

If you own a vessel in the United States, the USCG license is almost certainly something you will require at some time. You are in luck since a few pointers may assist you in accelerating the procedure. Licenses issued by the US Coast Guard are obligatory for commercial vessels operating in the United States. If…

How to Maintain Your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation

You finally got your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation – are you worried about how you’re going to maintain it? Have you forgotten exactly when and for how long your certificate is valid? It can take a lot of work and time to get your initial documentation. So, the last thing any vessel owner…

Understanding the Certificate of Deletion for A Vessel

You, as the USCG vessel owner, must have a solid understanding of the Certificate of Deletion vessel. This document states that your vessel’s entry in the USCG register has been removed in an official capacity and that it can no longer be utilized for any official reasons. If you no longer need your boat for…

Documented Vessel

Your Qs Answered: How Do I Find the Owner of a Documented Vessel?

Have you been wondering exactly how to find the managing owner of a documented vessel? Does it feel like it used to be easier to find the identity of an owner of a vessel (or other pertinent vessel information) than it is right now? Searching vessel documentation isn’t necessarily the easiest process. One of our…

Maritime Terms

Quick’s the Word on the Water: Maritime Terms to Know

Navigating on the water can often be an intimidating venture for a novice boat owner, for any number of reasons. To get your journey started on the right foot, let’s take some time to look at some common maritime terms and explore why knowing them is essential for any seafarer. We designed our vessel documentation…

Confused About Boat Name Lookup? You Don’t Have to Be

There’s a boat you have your eye on. After you search for it online, you might think you’ve found some good, detailed information. Of course, you’d like to believe it, but since you just found it on the internet, it might not be accurate. The owner is very helpful, but you aren’t 100% sure you…