US Coast Guard boat documentation

What is the Role of US Coast Guard Documentation in Protecting Vessels?

There are several advantages of documenting your boat with the US Coast Guard. The US Coast Guard boat documentation clears customs more quickly than state-registered boats. The reason for this is that your documented boat is recognized internationally to enter and leave foreign ports.  US Coast Guard Boat Documentation in Safeguarding Your Vessels This documentation…

US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

Don’t Panic if Your US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Has Expired

Your US Coast Guard vessel documentation is important because it identifies your boat. It’s necessary to renew it on a consistent basis, according to the guidelines set forth by the Coast Guard. Typically, you will receive notice that you need to renew about 45 days prior to the expiration date. But what if you forget…

National Vessel Documentation

Facts About the United States Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation

Sadly, many boat owners still do not know what the United States Coast Guard national vessel documentation is. They are also not aware of the repercussions if they do not document their boats, if qualified. So, stick around and find out the facts about this documentation so you will be guided accordingly.  Who is Responsible…