Boat Documentation Services

Can You Use Boat Documentation Services When Documenting Your Boat with the USCG?

Boat documentation is the process of documenting your vessel with the US Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center. It is not like state titling. Rather, boat documentation is at the federal level. Where do boat documentation services come in?  How Can Boat Documentation Services Help?  These services specialize in assisting you through the documentation process.…

USCG Approved Visual Distress Signals: Lights to Save Your Life

If you own a boat, then you understand the immense joys and potential risks that come with it. One of those potential risks is getting stranded in an emergency situation out at sea without any aid close by. To counteract this risk, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) has approved a set of lifesaving visual…

US Documented Vessel

How to Look Up a Documented Vessel?

Thanks to a US-documented vessel search, anyone can look up a documented vessel to find a wealth of information and insights. It does not matter whether you are a curious enthusiast or a potential buyer, knowing how to perform the search can open up a treasure trove of knowledge.  Looking Up a US-documented Vessel  Performing…

You Got a US Vessel, Now How Do You Stay in Compliance?

Did you just purchase your first US vessel? Or, have you gotten your first vessel in some time, and you aren’t sure about how to proceed in getting the right documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center for vessel owners of all kinds. Whether this is your first vessel or your thousandth (or any number…

What is USCG Documentation?

A lot of boat owners are wondering what is USCG Documentation and whether or not they must obtain a USCG documentation. Although not all vessels can be documented, there are several benefits of doing this process. One of them is that it is a national form of registration. This means it’s a proof of nationality…

The Whys and Hows Of Conducting a Documented Vessel Search

Have you ever been unable to locate your vessel or pondered whether or not it is still out on the water somewhere? In that case, you are not the only one. Many boat owners, particularly those who have their vessels documented by the Coast Guard, share this particular concern. Using a documented vessel search offered…

Common Questions about USCG Documentation (And Their Answers)

Do you have questions about USCG documentation but aren’t sure who to ask about them? When you talk to fellow boat owners about the ins and outs of documentation, do you get contradictory answers that don’t quite “add up?” When it comes to vessel documentation, you want to know the real truth before you make…

Coast Guard Form 1258

Understanding Coast Guard Form 1258

If you have never purchased a boat before, then you should treat it in the same way as you would something like a car or even a house, and that is to say, it’s an experience that comes with much more paperwork than you might have imagined! Even in our supposed paperless society, we can’t…

Documented Boat Names

Where are the Documented Boat Names Stored?

The documentation boat names are stored in the National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC). It is a vital institution under the umbrella of the USCG. It serves as the custodian of maritime records, where the official documentation of vessels, including their names, is meticulously stored and managed. The good thing is that you can access its…

Essential Coast Guard Documentation: Understanding Your Bill of Sale

With the blooming hues of spring painting the landscapes and the gentle caress of warmer winds, many find themselves lured to the vibrant life of the seas, lakes, and rivers. It’s the season where sails unfurl and anchors weigh – a quintessential time for buying and selling vessels. In this flourishing market, it’s paramount to…

Coast Guard Boat Requirements for Registration and More

“I just got a vessel and I’d like to get it documented. Can you help?” We are often asked some variation of this exact same question. It’s not always a good idea to answer a question with a question, but in this case, it’s valid. We often respond, “are you sure you have to get…

Can You Search for Coast Guard Documentation by Name?

Did you know that you may search for paperwork about boats and vessels operated by the Coast Guard using the name of the vessel or boat? It’s accurate! You don’t need to go through the trouble of searching through stacks of documents to get the information that you want. Search the Coast Guard documentation by…

A Legitimate and Safe Alternative to the USCG Portal

Are you seeking an alternative to the USCG portal that provides a connection to the United States Coast Guard that is more dependable and secure? If this is the case, there is no need to go further than the Maritime Documentation Center! We are a significant supplier of maritime communication systems. As such, we give…

The Complete Guide to Ship Documentation

Being familiar with the many types of documentation required to keep your vessel in compliance with maritime laws and regulations is crucial. In this section, we will present an in-depth guide on ship documentation, including how to get the various types of documents but also the purposes that each one serves. You’ve just become the…

Why Document a Vessel

Document a Vessel: Reasons and Ways to Do So

Owning a boat is an exciting venture and one of the best parts about it is being able to explore different waterways. While you may feel ready to set out on your journey, you may have to document your vessel first. There are some who can choose to document a vessel and there are those…