One topic we’ve touched on from time to time in these blogs is how to register a boat with the Coast Guard. We’ve mentioned this a few times for many reasons, not the least of which is that it’s very important. This is one of the most commonly accessed forms at our site; you can…
USCG Vessels and Boat Safety: Don’t Leave Port Without Both
Are you going out with family and friends on your boat for Memorial Day weekend? Now that summer is just about here, are you ready to enjoy the sun on the water? Sure, there’s always a good reason to take your boat out, even in the middle of the frigid winter. But, summer’s different. This…
Frequently Asked Questions about Vessel Abstracts of Title
The owner of a USCG vessel may be unfamiliar with the term “vessel abstract of title” and uncertain whether or not you need one. The transfer of a vessel’s ownership is recorded in an abstract title. If you plan on selling your boat, prospective purchasers will want to see an abstract of the title as…
Ship Documentation You Can Get From Us
If you have been immersed in the boating industry for a while, you must be aware by now that the United States Coast Guard is the guvernamental administration in charge of the regulation of maritime activity, particularly at a federal level. They do so with the help of the National Vessel Documentation Center, which issues…
Boat Registration Renewal in the Time It Takes to Watch a TV Show
Does it feel like it’s time to renew your vessel registration, but you aren’t sure? Have you felt like boat registration renewal is a chore that should be easier than it is? You know you have to do it every year, but, to get the most for your money, you have to renew within a…

Knowing Coast Guard Boat Requirements to Comply with Federal Regulations
As a boat owner, you have tons of responsibilities. For instance, you need to ensure that your boat is properly documented or registered. Documentation is necessary if your boat is over five net tons and you use it commercially. If your vessel meets the Coast Guard boat requirements, you are mandated to document it. This…
Don’t Get Bogged Down in U.S. Vessel Registration Forms
The excitement you feel when you purchase your first yacht, or large pleasure vessel can seem immeasurable to you. You cannot wait for that first trip you take with family or friends or even just for the day when you can take the boat out for a few hours to enjoy the waters. However, before…

Preferred Ship Mortgage Form: When Securing Financing Against a Boat
Are you planning to purchase a boat? If you are, then you may need to secure financing. That is if you do not have the full amount in cash. Financing lets you spread out the cost of the boat over some time through regular loan payments. It enables you to acquire the boat that you…
Check Boat Sales With Vessel Documentation Search By Hull Number
You are contemplating buying a boat, and want to know more details about its history. Running a background check on any vessel is very important, as it can throw up details about the boat’s past life that would otherwise have remained hidden. In order to conduct this check in the most effective manner, you should…

Just Four Reasons You Need Coast Guard Vessel Certification
Maintaining a vessel in your ownership is an important and significant duty, especially if you don’t want to fall foul of any regulations stipulated by the United States Coast Guard as well as staying safe on the water. To demonstrate that your boat is operating according to legal requirements, it must be properly documented with…
Vessel Documentation Search: Easy, Fast, Reliable
USCG boat owners want a search method that is user-friendly, reasonable, and dependable while looking for a vessel documentation search. Because of this, we built a search engine specifically for vessel documentation. You can rapidly obtain the information you want using the Maritime Documentation Center’s search engine, which will enable you to go back out…

Vessel Documentation in Fort Lauderdale Process: How to Proceed If There’s an Error in Your Documents
Fort Lauderdale is the Yachting Capital of the World. It is a paradise for boat and yacht enthusiasts. Whether you own a small vessel or a luxurious superyacht, navigating the waters of Fort Lauderdale requires proper vessel documentation. This documentation ensures compliance with federal regulations and allows for smooth sailing in these pristine waters. But…

US Boat Registry: Finding Registered Boats That Can Sail in International Waters
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) maintains a US boat registry. If your boat is registered with the USCG, you are allowed to sail in coastal and international waters. On the other hand, if you are planning to purchase a boat, you might want to consider looking into the registry before making a final decision. …
Why the United States Coast Guard Documentation May Help
Documentation required by the U.S. Coast Guard is something that you should be familiar with if you own a boat in the United States. Having United States Coast Guard documentation is a fantastic approach to assist in the protection of both your vessel and yourself. Here are three reasons you may want to consider receiving…

What You Need to Know Before You Cross Into Canada with a USCG Documented Vessel
As you can probably imagine, crossing into foreign waters with your boat requires some consideration. Following the requirements of US Customs and Border Protection ensures that you can come back into the country legally. They are making sure that no one enters US waters with items that you are avoiding paying taxes for. If you…