USCG Vessel Registry

Can You Use a Boat Without Being on the USCG Vessel Registry?

The short answer is, yes you can. However, the USCG vessel registry exists for a reason, and getting around it is a legal matter that requires specific paperwork. This is true of boats manufactured outside the United States, as well as those that you want to use to transport passengers. If your boat meets the…

Boat Documentation Vs. State Registration (2022 Update)

Registering your boat with the government can be accomplished in two ways: boat documentation or state registration. There are two methods to register your boat with the government: boat documentation vs. state registration. Consider boat documentation if you’re looking for a more recent alternative to state registration. Boat paperwork is a newer alternative with certain…

A Form of Coast Guard Registration for Some Foreign-Built Vessels: MARAD

Did you recently come into possession of a foreign-built vessel and aren’t sure what you can and can’t do with it? Does it seem like you’re very limited in terms of how you can use it to make a profit? Coast Guard registration (vessel registration), in America, dates back to the 11th act of the…

Coast Guard Renewal Documentation to Stay Afloat

Do you feel like your vessel’s documentation needs to be renewed soon, but you aren’t sure how to do so? Does it feel like when you sit down to complete vessel documentation forms that it’s all much harder than it should be? Documentation renewal is one of the most common reasons that folks use our…