What’s the Deal with Online Documentation?

Have you reached the point where you have to print out reams of documentation every time you want to work on your yacht? Do you wish there was a more streamlined approach to get all of the information you want, one that did not require you to hunt it out across many websites? The Online…

USCG National Vessel Documentation Center

USCG National Vessel Documentation Center: Charting Your Documentation Course

Navigating the complexities of vessel documentation can be as daunting as steering through a stormy sea. For vessel owners, maritime lawyers, boat brokers, and the boating community at large, the USCG National Vessel Documentation Center services we offer are the compass guiding you through all things documentation. In this blog post, we will explore the…

Take the Time to Perform a Vessel Search by Name

With everything that is listed for sale today, the opportunities seem endless when you want to make purchases like buying a car, a house, or a large boat. There are plenty of companies that sell these things brand-new, but there are just as many listed on the secondary market where you can make a purchase…

Boat Registration Renewal: Faster, Smarter, Better

A “ticking clock” can cause anyone to be nervous. When there’s a deadline, when something has to be done at a certain time, it can make everyone a bit on edge, causing them to not react as well as they might have. Your vessel documentation has to be renewed annually (except for certain exceptions, which…