Better Access to the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

The Coast Guard boat registration database is specifically designed to keep track of registered vessels. It has quite a bit of information on vessels that are registered, which can come in handy when you’re researching a vessel you’ve had your eye on or even if you’re just curious about what’s out there. However, as great…

National Vessel Documentation

The Secrets About National Vessel Documentation

National vessel documentation is a kind of boat registration at the federal level. Documentation can provide evidence of nationality for international purposes. It is important to note that not all boats are required to be documented with the USCG. However, all boats must be registered, either nationally or locally.  What are Some of the Things…

Find Every Boat Documentation Cost in Our Online Forms

If you’re wondering how to find every boat documentation cost in our online forms, you’re in the right place. Here at the Maritime Documentation Center’s office, we understand that finding the most accurate information and services related to your marine needs is challenging. To make your experience even simpler, we offer several ways so that…

US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation [CG-1270] Guide

Are you considering getting a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s the right course of action? Do you have questions about your eligibility for a Certificate of Documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center, in part, to help with those exact queries. Of all of the forms that we assist…

USCG Licensing from As Far As the Eye Can See

At the risk of saying something that’s too obvious, boat owners like to be on their boats. They don’t like to sit around, they don’t like to spend too much time on land, and they hate to have something keep them from doing what they want to do. Taking care of USCG licensing and registration,…