Documented Vessel Number

10 Things About Documented Vessel Number

Are you using your vessel in international waters? Is it over 5 net tons? If you answer yes to these questions, then you need to document your vessel and receive a documented vessel number. Owning a documented vessel comes with a unique sense of pride and privilege. It is not just a boat. Rather, it…

USCG Vessel Registry

Does a USCG Vessel Registry Store Title Boats?

Vessel documentation is a type of regulation that serves as a standard to prove the boat’s nationality. It is vital if you sail in international waters. This is a form of endorsement by the USCG. The USCG vessel registry can tell whether or not the endorsement is for recreational purposes or international trade purposes.  The…

USCG Documentation Center Tips for Cold Weather Boating

As winter approaches, boating on rivers and lakes arises considerable concerns. The USCG Documentation Center issued several safety tips onboard. Pay attention to them to enjoy the full winter-boating season. There is no time like the present to get on your boat and head out to the water, even if it is that time of…

The Importance of Regular USCG Renewals

Did you know that boat owners in the United States must regularly renew their paperwork with the Coast Guard? If you didn’t, you should find out. Continue reading this article if you are unsure what USCG renewals imply or why it is significant. We will explain all you need to know about USCG renewals, including…

In Time, Money, and More: How Much Is It to Register a Boat?

The costs for vessel registration are not as expensive as the costs for not getting vessel registration. Should you take your vessel out without the proper registration, you expose yourself to heavy fines and worse. Here at our site, we’ve devised a way to get your vessel documentation covered in the fastest way possible. That…