Step by Step Guide for a Boat Bill of Sale Form

It’s vital to ensure you have all the proper documentation before buying or selling a boat since doing either of those things may be an exciting process. Because a bill of sale form for a boat is one of the most critical papers involved in the transaction, it is essential to have a solid understanding of…

Using the Bill Of Sale for Boats to Sell Your Vessel

A bill of sale for boats should be used if you need to transfer ownership of a US Coast Guard (USCG) vessel. While transferring ownership of a privately owned watercraft and a USCG vessel has certain parallels, the paperwork required for each transfer form is somewhat different. In order to sell your yacht swiftly, you…

Yacht Documentation Services Available at Our Website

Yacht documentation services have come to an end for those looking for them! We provide different document services at the Maritime Documentation Center to make the registration process easier for USCG vessel owners. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your boat up and run. Maritime authorities create Yacht…

Coast Guard Documentation Fee

The Reasons for Paying Coast Guard Documentation Fee

Coast Guard documentation is vital for some boat owners. This document informs the USCG about the owner of the vessel and how it must be used. If you travel on foreign or domestic seas, you are required to secure it. And before you can obtain one, you will have to pay a certain Coast Guard…

A Better Way for Proper Boat Licensing and Registration

We don’t believe that boat licensing and registration should be difficult. That shouldn’t be revolutionary, but it kind of is. For many years, dealing with boat registration was like going to the DMV but much worse. After all, it’s not like many people could simply ride their vessel over to the facility, dock it, and…