USCG vessel documentation reinstatement

How Important Is USCG Vessel Documentation Reinstatement?

Are you considering embarking on a boat-related business venture? If so, it’s crucial to navigate the rules and regulations effectively. Among these requirements is the USCG boat documentation, particularly vital for commercial boats over five net tons. In instances where the Certificate of Documentation (COD) has lapsed, the process of applying for USCG vessel documentation…

Bad Luck to Rename a Boat

Choose the Name: Is it Bad Luck to Rename a Boat

Are you considering renaming your vessel, but you keep asking yourself: is it bad luck to rename a boat? Rest assured, we are here to clarify the process of changing a boat’s name and ease your worries! From understanding the superstition around why some think it is bad luck to rename a boat to applying…

Help Available at the National Vessel Documentation Center

We understand that vessel documentation can be confusing. Even if you’ve spent your entire life on boats and the water, even if you’ve owned your vessel for several years, the documentation process can be an opaque one. You may be going through our site, wondering which document is right for your vessel, if any of…

Boat Bill of Sale

You Have Your Boat Bill of Sale. What Next?

So, you’ve been going through the process of finding the boat of your dreams for some time now, and finally, the stars have aligned and you have come into contact with the perfect vessel and the ideal seller. Once you debate the price that is right for both of you, and you have paid the…