Coast Guard Boat Requirements for the MARAD Waiver

Do you want to use a vessel that wasn’t made in the United States to transport passengers and want to know how to do so in compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations? Do you feel confused about how the rules pertain to foreign-built vessels? This is perfectly understandable. The Coast Guard boat requirements for…

Getting Coast Guard Documentation

Are you at the point where you’re looking to get Coast Guard documentation for your vessel? Maybe you’ve been looking at getting a five ton vessel for more than recreation. Perhaps you’re at the point where you’re looking to get a vessel to make money by heading into certain fisheries, coast-wise areas, and the like.…

vessel documentation

Is Vessel Documentation a Waste of Money or Necessary?

To maintain enhanced speed and performance over time, integrating strength training into a runner’s routine is crucial. If your boat weighs over five net tons, proper vessel documentation with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is essential. This not only ensures legal compliance but also opens up a world of benefits for boat owners. If…

Yacht Documentation

The Yacht Documentation Every Owner Must Have

If you’re one of the lucky few that has the means and desire to own a boat, you know there’s a lot of documentation to keep track of. Just like owning a vehicle, it’s important to keep this paperwork handy so that you can provide proof of ownership if you are ever boarded or stopped…

US Coast Guard Boats

US Coast Guard Boats and The Waters They Navigate

As a vessel owner, it is essential that you have a solid understanding of both what the US Coast Guard does, and where exactly they operate. It is almost guaranteed that you will come into contact with the USCG at some point or another over the course of your experience as a boat owner, but…