Vessel Abstracts Of Title: 3 Common Questions (And Their Answers)

Documentation from the United States Coast Guard about vessel Abstracts of title is peculiar to the maritime sector in terms of both their form and purpose. Only in these papers can you get a complete history of the events on mortgage, ownership, and lien records. There are several advantages to documenting any suitable vessel, including…

What a USCG Documentation Search May Find

It is essential to ensure that all of your paperwork is up to current if you are the owner of a USCG boat. A USCG documentation search can reveal that your vessel does not comply with the requirements. Keeping your paperwork up to date is one of the best ways to guarantee that your yacht…

What Vessels Need USCG Documentation?

If you are the owner of a vessel that comes within the jurisdiction of the United States Coast Guard (USCG), you will be required to ensure that your vessel is correctly recorded. USCG documentation is required for boats that are longer than a particular length, operate in certain waterways, or incorporate various other requirements. In…

Coast Guard Boat Requirements to Sail Safely This Summer

After a lengthy wait, that lasted some long nine months, summer is already here. And now that two strange seasons in which the pandemic might have frustrated your plans are over, it might be a good time to make sure your paperwork is in order before setting sail. So stay with us and find out…

CG 1258

How to Obtain the Transfer of Ownership CG 1258?

Is it your first time to own a boat? Well, there are various things you must know about your boat and how to maintain it. But that’s not all you need to know. You also have to obtain a transfer of ownership CG 1258 form so that the ownership of the boat you have purchased…

Maritime Documents that are Actually Useful

From the moment you get serious about purchasing a vessel, you may be inundated with different maritime documents. Many of these documents will be frivolous and unnecessary at best: flyers for sales, information about boats on sale, and the like. Some, like the kind you may find when you’re researching boats online, will be out…

Boat Name Database

What Is The Boat Name Database?

When you take a moment to think about it, there are literally thousands of people who are eager to get out on the open water at any given time, whether that be for fishing, sailing or simply wanting to unwind and relax with the crystal clear ocean as your backdrop after a stressful week in…

Vessel Documentation Search: No Login Required!

Vessel owners who are members of the United States Coast Guard are well aware of the need to keep their paperwork current. Also, most owners dread having to check in to the USCG’s Vessel Documentation search website to make changes. We’ve got fantastic news for you! There is a new search option on the USCG’s…

Coast Guard Documentation Search

Conducting a Coast Guard Documentation Search at Vessel Registrar Center

When you research a specific boat, you want to be sure the information you get comes from a reputable source. A Coast Guard boat documentation search with us is a great way to find out what you need to know, which is especially important if you plan to buy a boat. No matter why you…

Boat Bill of Sale

Protecting Your Boat Investment: How the Boat Bill of Sale Can Help?

A boat bill of sale is one of the legal documents that you need to secure to transfer ownership of property. In this case, your boat. It includes the terms of a transaction between you and the other party (buyer or seller). But this is especially vital if you are buying a boat.  Is Boat…

US Coast Guard bill of sale

What are the Uses of the US Coast Guard Bill of Sale?

The US Coast Guard bill of sale is a crucial legal document. It facilitates the transfer of ownership for vessels. This vital document is not only a testament to a successful transaction but it also plays a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with maritime laws.  Purposes of US Coast Guard Bill of Sale  The primary…

How to Dispose of a US Vessel

After a long time of sharing many adventures and memories in the water with you, there is a chance you might want to let go of your old ship. Maybe it’s deteriorated beyond repair, or its monetary value is not worth trying to sell it or paying for upkeep and storage. Whatever the reasons for…

Boat Online Registration That Won’t Take Up All Day

Do you remember being a kid and having to do homework while the other kids went out to play? This isn’t to bring up a bad memory, but rather to show what it can be like with your vessel documentation. If you have to fill out your paperwork inside while others are out enjoying summer…

boat bill of sale

Selling Your Boat? The Ins and Outs of Crafting a Boat Bill of Sale

Selling your boat is a significant transaction that requires careful documentation to protect both the buyer and the seller. A crucial component of this process is the bill of sale. In this guide, Vessel Registrar Center provides a comprehensive overview of crafting a boat bill of sale, ensuring a smooth and legally sound boat sale…

Our US Coast Guard Abstract of Title Service Helps You

Do you have your eye on that boat you saw down at the marina with the “For Sale” sign on it? Maybe you saw one listed on a local community website or online elsewhere and it seems to be just what you have been looking for. Deciding you want to buy a boat can be…