The One Place for Coast Guard Vessels Registration

If you’ve ever shopped for something online, then you know how hard it can be to find the exact thing that you want. Sure, when you go online, you’ll be able to find so many different options and be exposed to things that you didn’t even know existed. However, it can be difficult to find…

what is USCG

What is USCG and Does It Keep America Safe?

What is USCG? It is the United States Coast Guard (USCG). This is a critical component of America’s maritime security, responsible for safeguarding the nation’s waterways and protecting lives, property, and the environment. While the USCG plays a pivotal role in maritime safety, its role extends beyond that to encompass vessel documentation, an essential process…

What is the National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC)?

Do you have a vessel and aren’t sure entirely which forms of vessel documentation are right for it? Have you been wondering just what a National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is and how it can help you? When it comes to boat documentation in the United States, it can be a bit confounding. Even if…