A USCG Abstract of Title is a Big Help to You

Most of us are reluctant to buy anything today without doing some kind of work to get background information. Everything from the smartphone and computer you own to the television and appliances you buy to the restaurants you visit all involve doing some research to make sure you are making a decision that is right…

How to File a Boat Registration

Do you own a boat in the United States? If so, what kind? If that’s the case, you may be interested to hear that the law mandates you register your yacht with your state’s government. If you fail to comply with boat registration, you may be subject to monetary fines and additional penalties. We’ll fill…

What is a Hailing Port – and other Vessel Questions

“Preferred Ship’s Mortgage,” “Hailing Port,” “MARAD” – vessel documentation is full of odd phrases you probably don’t hear in other walks of life. That’s just one part of the documentation that makes it a bit opaque and confusing to people, even those who have been dealing with it for years. Of course, it doesn’t help…

Do You Need a Bill of Sale Boat to Complete The Sale?

There are a few items you’ll need to finalize the sale of your boat when you’re trying to sell it. In order to document the transfer of ownership, a bill of sale boat is essential. Is a bill of sale boat required to complete the transaction? This isn’t always the case, of course. Bills of…