Preferred Ship Mortgage: What You Need to Know

The Preferred Ship Mortgage provides a lender or financier of a vessel competitive status among competing claims that might arise against a vessel. The U.S. Coast Guard acts principally as a recording agency in regard to mortgages and related instruments. It’s important to learn about it if you happen to finance someone’s ship after he/she…

Avoid the NVDC Delays with Maritime Documentation Center

The NVDC requires all vessel owners, whether they’re commercial or recreational, to obtain vessel documentation and keep it up-to-date. The entity hasn’t had any trouble processing commercial vessel documents in time. However, since late last year, the entity had experienced an unprecedented backlog with recreational vessels documentation.   This makes sense if we think that…

What is a Hailing Port and How Can You Change It?

As a boat owner or even enthusiast, you might have heard at some point the words “hailing port”. Even if you did not, you might have noticed several boats with a name on both the hull sides or the transom. If you looked for long enough, there is a chance you also observed what we…

Coast Guard Portal

Coast Guard Portal: Getting the Documentation You Need Quickly

Time is of the essence. Whether you are a boat owner who wishes to secure your vessel’s rightful identity or a maritime professional navigating the seas of regulations, one thing is vital – the need for efficient access to documentation. Fortunately, you may use our Coast Guard portal services to streamline the process of documentation.…