Benefits of Being On the USCG Vessel Registry

Have you been wondering exactly why you would want to place your vessel on the USCG Vessel Registry? Are you on the fence about whether or not it would be beneficial to you and your vessel? If so, you aren’t alone. Over the years, we’ve helped many to determine whether or not registering their vessel…

Transfer Exchange of USCG Documentation at our Site

What is the transfer exchange procedure for USCG-documented boats? Have you ever thought about it? It might be a daunting undertaking if you’ve never done it before. In order to ensure the safety of both you and your boat, we’ve created the Maritime Documentation Center. The Maritime Documentation Center gives all the information you need…

Easy Steps to Find Your Vessel Documentation

If you own a boat registered with the US Coast Guard, you know how essential it is to have all of your vessel documentation in order. However, locating your paperwork might be challenging, mainly if you are unsure where to search for it. In this article, we will walk you through the simple actions you…

vessel registry search

Vessel Registry Search: Is Documentation a Title Evidence?

When it comes to the ownership of vessels, understanding the legal documentation is paramount. You may use vessel registry search to verify boat ownership. Vessel documentation, administered by the USCG in the US, is an essential process that establishes the legal status, identity, and ownership of boats and ships. However, whether vessel documentation serves as…