What is a Hailing Port?

You may be new to boating and vessel ownership so understand the terminologies involved comes with a learning curve. Vessel ownership also involves a bit of paperwork filing and ensure that you are going about things in the proper legal manner. One of the first things to note is that if you own a vessel…

Find the Latest Updates in Boat Documentation Cost

Are you the owner of a vessel? If so, have you been keeping up with the ever-changing documentation laws and regulations? Recently, there have been some significant updates concerning the boat documentation cost. At the Maritime Documentation Center, we want to make sure that you know these changes and what they could mean for you.…

NOAA boat registry

NOAA Boat Registry: Knowing Your Eligibility

Are you using your boat for commercial fishing? How about for research? If you answer yes to these questions, then your boat is eligible for the NOAA boat registry. However, not all boats are qualified for this type of registration.  Eligibility Requirements for NOAA Boat Registry The registry is a comprehensive database. It includes information…

Reasons to Have Your Vessel Documentation Up To Date

It is essential to keep valuable materials such as vessel documentation, a seaman’s book, and an engineer’s license up to date. It is critical for individuals who work on board, particularly those responsible for the vessel’s technical components, to have accurate paperwork on hand. For vessel owners, it is critical to make sure that their…

MARAD Wavier Explained

Of all of the different forms on our vessel documentation services site, the MARAD Waiver, or the MARAD Small Vessel Waiver Program, specifically, is one that we get the most questions about. To be clear, this is not a kind of vessel documentation that will apply to all that many boat owners. That being said,…

An Abstract of Title: The Complete History of a Vessel

Have you been researching a vessel that you’re interested in, yet you don’t feel like you can trust any of the information sources you’ve come across? Does it seem like there’s no way to find out exactly what the real history of a vessel is? When considering buying a vessel, you need to know absolutely…