Boat Name Lookup

How to Use a Boat Name Lookup and Why Bother Using It?

Boats do not use a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), unlike cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Rather, boats are tracked using a Hull Identification Number (HIN) issued by the state. Now, if you found a boat on your property and it is abandoned, you would want to know who the owner is using a boat name…

What is US Coast Guard Documentation?

One of the questions we get asked more often at the Maritime Documentation Center is what is US Coast Guard Documentation? For that reason, we have decided to create this article, to further explain what that means. Basically, a boat that was registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is referred to as a…

US Boat Registry : The Benefits Of Signing Up

When you are the brand-new owner of a vessel, you will have two choices about how you record your boat in the eyes of the law. Firstly, you can document the boat with the state, which will ensure that you are taxed properly for use and ownership of the vessel, or you could submit an…