Title 46 Subchapter G of the Code of Federal Regulations for Coast Guard Documentation – Subpart A
Title 46 Subchapter G of the Code of Federal Regulations for Coast Guard Documentation – Subpart A
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) details the general and permanent rules of Executive departments and agencies which have been published in the Federal Register. The Federal Register contains two publications, the annually revised Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the daily Federal Register (FR).
These are the pertinent parts of the Code of Federal Regulations as it relates to the Documentation and Measurement of Vessels within Title 46 Subchapter G – Subpart A:
67.1 – Purpose
67.3 – Definitions
67.5 – Vessels Eligible for Documentation
67.7 – Vessels Requiring Documentation
67.9 – Vessels Excluded from or Exempt from Documentation
67.11 – Restriction on Transfer of an Interest in Documented Vessels to Foreign Persons; Foreign Registry or Operation
67.12 – Right of Appeal
67.13 – Incorporation by Reference
67.14 – OMB Control Numbers Assigned Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act