In our modern era, we seemingly have a technology that can help with everything. You can do your banking online, each of us carries what’s essentially a computer, camera, and so much more in our pocket. Self-driving cars are probably only a few years away. Yet, there’s really no app you can download, nor virtual…
Safe Harbor for Watercraft Registration Documents of All Kinds
The more time you spend online, the less you’ll be able to spend on your vessel. That’s a crude assessment, but it’s more or less true. It can certainly feel that way when you’re filling out watercraft registration documentation forms. When you sit down to deal with those, you’re likely to feel like you’d rather…
Watercraft Registration and Safety on the Water this Summer
Here at the Maritime Documentation Center, our focus is on watercraft registration and documentation. Our site was built specifically to make it easier for you to take care of all of your watercraft document needs in a single place. We want you to be as safe as possible when you get out on the water.…
The Process of Watercraft Registration Made Easier
Purchasing and owning a boat places responsibility on your shoulders. The maintenance of a vessel of any size can take time and money, but it is necessary so you can keep the ship seaworthy and safe. Beyond that, you also have responsibilities when it comes to the paperwork involved with your boat. You may have…
Watercraft Registration and Other Things that Matter
Memories that last forever: that’s what the holiday season is about for many. Holiday parties with friends and family that maybe you don’t get to see other times of the year, office parties where everyone gets to “let their hair down,” and more – the holidays can be a special time. We’re more than just…