More Than a Place for USCG Vessels: Foreign Title Search Request

Have you been struggling to find the information you can trust about foreign vessels? Did you find the perfect vessel to buy, yet it’s in another country and you aren’t all that sure about its history? Here at the Maritime Documentation Center, we know how important it is to have all of the information you…

vessel registry search

Vessel Registry Search: Is Documentation a Title Evidence?

When it comes to the ownership of vessels, understanding the legal documentation is paramount. You may use vessel registry search to verify boat ownership. Vessel documentation, administered by the USCG in the US, is an essential process that establishes the legal status, identity, and ownership of boats and ships. However, whether vessel documentation serves as…

Finding Where to Perform a Vessel Registry Search

The more you know about anything you are going to buy, the better consumer you are going to be and the happier you will be with your final decision. This rings true whether you are buying produce at the grocery store, ordering a shirt online, choosing a new mechanic for your car, or doing something…