Registering A Boat with The Coast Guard Using Our Portal

Registering your boat with the Coast Guard is not as difficult as imagined. The Coast Guard’s straightforward, step-by-step system makes registering and documenting your boat easy. If you plan to use your boat in U.S. waters, you must abide by several federal laws. In terms of importance, the USCG Navigation Act of 1920 and the…

Why Use a Boat Documentation Service For Vessel Registry?

After you’ve purchased your new boat you may be curious about how to get it registered and the best ways of getting that done. If you’re a commercial boat owner the law demands that you are a part of the federal registration which is kept by the United States Coast Guard. This means going through…

How Our Boat Online Registration Site Can Help Boat Owners

It’s natural to feel like you’re alone when it comes to your vessel documentation. After all, there’s not really a “tech support” for Coast Guard forms. It’s not like you can call someone up and be like: “hey, I’m struggling to figure out exactly which form is for me. Can you help?” Sure, you can…

Boat Registration Renewal: Faster, Smarter, Better

A “ticking clock” can cause anyone to be nervous. When there’s a deadline, when something has to be done at a certain time, it can make everyone a bit on edge, causing them to not react as well as they might have. Your vessel documentation has to be renewed annually (except for certain exceptions, which…

Vessel Registration Simplified in a Matter of Minutes

Vessel registration. Simply reading those words might make you think of hours spent in front of a keyboard, typing every letter out while the day (and night) passes outside. Or, even worse, perhaps it makes you think of hunched over a piece of paper, writing everything out as legibly as possible, lest your forms are…

USCG Vessels, Safety on the Water, and You

When it comes to boating safely this spring and summer, we’re all kind of in uncharted waters. Yes, thankfully, in so many parts of the country, it looks like the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding. More and more businesses are able to safely open up, folks are able to go outside and live their lives…