Inspected Vessel Requirements

What are the Inspected Vessel Requirements?

Your boat is considered inspected if the United States Coast Guard has conducted an inspection on the vessel. There are several Inspected Vessel Requirements that you should be aware of so that the process can be completed correctly. For example, any boat that carries more than six passengers must be inspected by the US Coast…

USCG Vessels, Safety on the Water, and You

When it comes to boating safely this spring and summer, we’re all kind of in uncharted waters. Yes, thankfully, in so many parts of the country, it looks like the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding. More and more businesses are able to safely open up, folks are able to go outside and live their lives…

USCG Vessel Registry Made Easy

When you buy yourself a luxury recreational vessel like a yacht, you spend significant time researching, looking at the options, and going over specifics so that you get just what you want. The process is not always an easy one for you, but it is worth the time and effort that you put into it.…

Basic Fast Facts about the Vessel Registry System

Have you heard that the United States Coast Guard (USCG) maintains a vessel registry? When you own a vessel registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), you have access to a range of critical maritime services and resources, among other advantages. In the following article, we will introduce the Ship Registry System and highlight…

Vessel Registration Simplified in a Matter of Minutes

Vessel registration. Simply reading those words might make you think of hours spent in front of a keyboard, typing every letter out while the day (and night) passes outside. Or, even worse, perhaps it makes you think of hunched over a piece of paper, writing everything out as legibly as possible, lest your forms are…

Boat Licensing and Registration that Keeps Up with the Times

Boats have advanced quite a bit in just the last few years. If you go back even within the last decade, you’ll see that boats have come a long way. The engines, the designs, what can be done on the boats and the kind of tech that they have – all of these have evolved,…

Boat Online Registration from Practically Anywhere

“I know I have to get my boat registration done, but I can do it later.” If you’re like so many vessel owners, you’ve probably had that thought. In fact, you’ve probably had it multiple times in a day. That’s perfectly understandable, as there’s nothing exactly fun, glamorous or exciting about filling out your boat…

US Boat Registry : The Benefits Of Signing Up

When you are the brand-new owner of a vessel, you will have two choices about how you record your boat in the eyes of the law. Firstly, you can document the boat with the state, which will ensure that you are taxed properly for use and ownership of the vessel, or you could submit an…

Registering Your Vessel with NVDC Forms

As the owner of a brand-new vessel, you want to show it off, and you also want to protect it, and make sure that it will be safe in US waters. You also want to make sure that if you are stopped by state led marine patrols that you are able to provide them with…

US Coast Guard Documentation & Vessel Registration

Every vessel in the United States needs to be registered with the US Coast Guard (USCG).To demonstrate that a boat or ship belongs to its owner, a procedure known as vessel registration must be completed. This process is mandatory for most boats that want to navigate the waterways of the United States. In this article,…

Why Use a Boat Documentation Service For Vessel Registry?

After you’ve purchased your new boat you may be curious about how to get it registered and the best ways of getting that done. If you’re a commercial boat owner the law demands that you are a part of the federal registration which is kept by the United States Coast Guard. This means going through…

Register a Boat In Minutes Flat

We’re all busy. Each of us has so many things to do, you want to be able to save time on every task that you can. The more time you spend with paperwork, documentation and the like, the less time you spend enjoying yourself, with friends and family, or just having a good time. That’s…

How to Make Use of The Documented Vessel Number

When you register your vessel with the US Coast Guard, you will receive an official number which establishes that the ship is fully documented. This number belongs to the boat for the rest of its lifetime, and this means that you need to display it so that it can be found easily by the Coast…

Unsure How to Register Boat Documentation? We’ve Got You Covered

Are you looking for a simple, easy way to register your vessel’s documentation? When you type “how to register boat” into your browser, does every option look more complicated than the last? You certainly aren’t alone in that. As vessel owners ourselves, we were nonplussed (at best) with the options we saw when we would…

How to Legally Register a Vessel Offshore

Do you wish to register a vessel offshore? If that’s the case, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure a simple and trouble-free experience. This may seem like a lot of work, but ensuring your ship abides by U.S. maritime law is necessary. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) provides…