Documented Vessel Number

If you have a documented vessel, you have a documented vessel number. You may wonder why you would want to get your vessel documented and how the process would work. There are many benefits to getting your documented vessel numbers, but it’s not for everyone. Some vessels have to be documented, whereas others shouldn’t be…

How To Reinstate Vessel Documentation at Our Website

Vessel documentation and registration can be a confusing process. There is no need to panic if you are a USCG vessel owner who has forgotten to renew your paperwork. To use the Maritime Documentation Center, follow these easy instructions (MDC). Once your paperwork has been reactivated, you will be able to take advantage of all…

USCG Vessels, Safety on the Water, and You

When it comes to boating safely this spring and summer, we’re all kind of in uncharted waters. Yes, thankfully, in so many parts of the country, it looks like the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding. More and more businesses are able to safely open up, folks are able to go outside and live their lives…

Docked for Good: Certificate of Deletion Vessel and More

A boat is a precious thing. For many of us, having a boat is something that you dream of and spend years planning for. But, all things must end. Eventually, even the most ardent vessel owners often sell their boats. Sometimes, it’s for profit and often it’s to clear space so that they can get…