What Does the Documentation Center Do?

It can be easy to get confused about what responsibilities fall under different government agencies and departments. Sometimes it can seem like there is more red tape than is necessary, and departments exist without anyone knowing what they actually do each day. As a boat owner, you are probably aware that the United States Coast…

vessel documentation

Vessel Documentation: Notice of Claim of Lien Explained

Have you been considering filing a notice of claim of lien against the owner of a documented vessel? This isn’t something to be done lightly. But, for many who are owed money by a documented vessel owner, it’s the best course of action. Here at the Vessel Registrar Center, we’ve helped so many to get…

Check Boat Sales With Vessel Documentation Search By Hull Number

You are contemplating buying a boat, and want to know more details about its history. Running a background check on any vessel is very important, as it can throw up details about the boat’s past life that would otherwise have remained hidden. In order to conduct this check in the most effective manner, you should…

A Certificate of Documentation: Certificate to Make Money

To be clear, the title of this blog, “a certificate of documentation: certificate to make money” is meant metaphorically, not literally. The phrase “certificate to make money” has been used throughout time to describe an opportunity that allows a person to make more money than they would have otherwise. It can safely be said of…

What Maritime Documents do I Need?

Of all of the questions that we get asked, this might be the most common. Knowing what to do with your vessel doesn’t necessarily correspond to knowing what to do with your maritime document. Being the best helmsman or vessel owner does not mean that you will automatically understand vessel documentation. That’s alright, though, and…

Vessel Registration Simplified in a Matter of Minutes

Vessel registration. Simply reading those words might make you think of hours spent in front of a keyboard, typing every letter out while the day (and night) passes outside. Or, even worse, perhaps it makes you think of hunched over a piece of paper, writing everything out as legibly as possible, lest your forms are…