Top Tips When Purchasing or Creating a USCG Certificate

You should remember a few things if this is your first time buying or making a USCG Certificate. This article will discuss some of the best practices to guarantee a problem-free implementation. Read on for some valuable pointers, whether you’re a first-time USCG watercraft owner or need a refresher. Here are a few things to…

When Do You Need a USCG Certificate?

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) provides certifications for all boats, from the smallest recreational craft to the largest cargo ships. It is imperative for any boat owner to obtain a USCG certificate. What you may and cannot do aboard a vessel depends on its purpose and the ship you are piloting. A certificate of…

Know Your Paperwork When You Complete Form CG- 1270

As the owner of a new boat, you will have a lot of paperwork to complete in order to make sure that you are fully registered and able to make use of your new boat. It may not always be clear to you exactly what type of forms you need to fill in so that…