If you are the owner of a boat in the United States, then you know that to navigate your vessel on waterways in the United States, you must have USCG documentation. But what if your yacht is missing any of the needed safety equipment? Alternatively, what if it is not registered as required? Do not…
Do You Need to Reinstate or Renew USCG Vessel Documentation? The Difference Explained
If you are somebody who is only just starting to get to grips with all of the rules and regulations of boat ownership, then it is probably fair to assume that you still haven’t learned every single term and phrase that you might need! Of course, it doesn’t help when two terms sound vaguely similar,…
Ways USCG Vessels (and All Others) Can Stay Safe this Spring
Are you finally ready to take your vessel out on the water this spring, but want to make sure that everything is safe? Has the weather gotten warm enough to the point where it’s time to get your vessel out of storage? There is nothing, nothing like taking your boat out after it’s been locked…
The Security Measures in USCG Vessel Documentation
In the vast expanse of the maritime world, security is not just a buzzword; it’s a foundational principle that underpins the safety and integrity of vessels. USCG documentation, managed by trusted agencies like Vessel Registrar LLC, goes beyond mere registration—it incorporates robust security measures. This article, delves into the layers of protection woven into USCG…
Documentation Reinstatement: How to Renew Revoked or Lapsed Documentation to Sail Back
Boat ownership can offer you great experiences and memories, not just for yourself, but also for your family. You get the opportunity to see wild and open spaces and visit places that are impossible to get to by car. Indeed, exploring the open water is exciting. But you might find one day that your boat…
What Should You Do if You Want to Claim an Abandoned US Vessel?
Have you been interested in getting a vessel that’s been abandoned in your area? As you might imagine, this can be a delicate matter. In today’s economy, unfortunately, many vessels have been abandoned and simply left in marinas. When vessel owners can’t pay the fees, taxes, and everything else, they may just leave their vessels…
Changing Your Vessel on the USCG Vessel Registry When Life Changes
Has your life changed significantly since you first registered your vessel? Did you move into a new phase of your life and are unsure how it relates to your spot on the USCG vessel registry? When we’re at the helm of our boats, the water can change at a moment’s notice. One minute, calm seas…
Vessel Documentation – What Can You Do If It Expired?
Everyone who owns a boat in the United States must keep all their documents current. Vessel documentation must be renewed every three years to avoid the risk of incurring fines and other penalties for failing to do so. If the paperwork for your vessel has expired, we will cover what steps you may take in…
What’s the Deal with Online Documentation?
Have you reached the point where you have to print out reams of documentation every time you want to work on your yacht? Do you wish there was a more streamlined approach to get all of the information you want, one that did not require you to hunt it out across many websites? The Online…