What is a Hailing Port?

You may be new to boating and vessel ownership so understand the terminologies involved comes with a learning curve. Vessel ownership also involves a bit of paperwork filing and ensure that you are going about things in the proper legal manner. One of the first things to note is that if you own a vessel…

Find the Latest Updates in Boat Documentation Cost

Are you the owner of a vessel? If so, have you been keeping up with the ever-changing documentation laws and regulations? Recently, there have been some significant updates concerning the boat documentation cost. At the Maritime Documentation Center, we want to make sure that you know these changes and what they could mean for you.…

Reasons to Have Your Vessel Documentation Up To Date

It is essential to keep valuable materials such as vessel documentation, a seaman’s book, and an engineer’s license up to date. It is critical for individuals who work on board, particularly those responsible for the vessel’s technical components, to have accurate paperwork on hand. For vessel owners, it is critical to make sure that their…

Coast Guard Documentation to Stay Legal in the Summer and After

Summer may be winding down, but there’s still time to get out on the water. Once August ends and Fall begins, it’s not like bodies of water are going away. There’s plenty of time to enjoy what the water has to offer in 2020, whether you’re doing so for recreation or business purposes. That said,…

The Ways Our USCG National Documentation Center Saves You Time

When you go online to find a way to complete your vessel documentation, does it feel like instead of making it easier to fill out these forms, everything you see makes it more difficult? Does it feel like it shouldn’t be that hard to complete some online forms? Those are some of the ideas we…

How to Ensure Your USCG Vessel Documentation Status is Always in Compliance

A boat on the water is seldom entirely still. Sure, if you anchor, you won’t drift too far away. But, depending on the length of the line, your boat will still move with the waves and the wind. The same is true with your USCG vessel documentation. As time keeps moving, so too might your…

How to Maintain Your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation

You finally got your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation – are you worried about how you’re going to maintain it? Have you forgotten exactly when and for how long your certificate is valid? It can take a lot of work and time to get your initial documentation. So, the last thing any vessel owner…

What is a Documented Vessel in the U.S.?

Many responsibilities are involved when you enter into boat ownership. You have the financial aspect of ownership that you need to live up to, but you are also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep, the safety and security, and understanding what you must do to keep the vessel at its best. One aspect you do…

What Can You Do If Your Vessel Documentation Expired?

Suppose your vessel documentation has become invalid. What should you do in this situation? One good news is that it is possible to do a vessel documentation reinstatement. Aspects of maritime law involving vessel documentation are among the most significant. That you comply with all of the USCG’s regulations is ensured. According to uscgboating.org, maintaining…

When Do You Need a USCG Certificate?

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) provides certifications for all boats, from the smallest recreational craft to the largest cargo ships. It is imperative for any boat owner to obtain a USCG certificate. What you may and cannot do aboard a vessel depends on its purpose and the ship you are piloting. A certificate of…

What You Need to Know About Coast Guard Documentation Endorsements

Commercial vessels and recreational boats that plan to engage in commercial activities are required to obtain Coast Guard documentation. It’s optional (though often beneficial) for non-commercial recreational vessels to also seek USCG documentation. This legal documentation keeps track of certain important information about maritime vessels, including ownership and financial history.  Another facet of a vessel’s…

Know the Difference – What is a Documented Vessel?

Are you looking into purchasing a recreational vessel or yacht sometime soon? If you are, you already know there are lots of choices out there for you so that you can get just the boat you are seeking in your price range. When you have finalized your purchase and are ready to take ownership, you…

How to Get USCG Documentation

If you are the owner of a boat in the United States, then you know that to navigate your vessel on waterways in the United States, you must have USCG documentation. But what if your yacht is missing any of the needed safety equipment? Alternatively, what if it is not registered as required? Do not…

What Goes into the Coast Guard Vessel Registry?

If you are new to the boating world and are just starting your search for your first large recreational vessel, there is some homework that you will want to do before you take the plunge and buy a boat. Starting out by researching what is required in your state regarding boat ownership is always a…

USCG Documentation Fee

Eligible Boat: What is the USCG Documentation Fee?

If your boat is Coast Guard documented, you can clear customs quicker than when you have a State-registered vessel. However, not all boats are eligible for documentation. In that case, the only time you pay for the USCG documentation fee is when you need to document your boat if it is eligible.  The Importance of…