Did You Forget Your U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Renewal?

You are so excited about summer coming, and you anticipate spending many days out on your boat, soaking up the sun, enjoying the waters, swimming, fishing, and traveling to wherever you want to go. Maybe this year you finally take that extended trip you have wanted to take down the coast or to some tropical…

Processing US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation at Our Site

Do you have a boat registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG)? If this is the case, were you aware that the Maritime Documentation Center can handle processing your the United States Coast Guard documentation? We provide a user-friendly online solution that makes it simple to take care of all required papers. When you…

Coast Guard Requirements for Boats Like Yours

Just as with clothes, a “Certificate of Documentation” for your vessel is not “one size fits all.” Yes, we can help you to get a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel here at the Maritime Documentation Center. However, it’s important to note that there are different kinds of documentation. Getting the right documentation for your…

What Does the Documentation Center Do?

It can be easy to get confused about what responsibilities fall under different government agencies and departments. Sometimes it can seem like there is more red tape than is necessary, and departments exist without anyone knowing what they actually do each day. As a boat owner, you are probably aware that the United States Coast…

Coast Guard Documentation to Stay Legal in the Summer and After

Summer may be winding down, but there’s still time to get out on the water. Once August ends and Fall begins, it’s not like bodies of water are going away. There’s plenty of time to enjoy what the water has to offer in 2020, whether you’re doing so for recreation or business purposes. That said,…