Avoid the NVDC Delays with Maritime Documentation Center

The NVDC requires all vessel owners, whether they’re commercial or recreational, to obtain vessel documentation and keep it up-to-date. The entity hasn’t had any trouble processing commercial vessel documents in time. However, since late last year, the entity had experienced an unprecedented backlog with recreational vessels documentation.   This makes sense if we think that…

US Coast Guard Registration in Simple Words

As a boating enthusiast, you probably are, at some point, you must have heard about United States Coast Guard Registration. We know it sounds complicated, so we tried to simplify an explanation of what this type of documentation involves in this article that the Maritime Documentation Center wrote. Without further ado, here’s what you need…

A Basic Guide to USCG Documentation Standards and Requirements

The USCG documentation standards and regulations for boats serve many purposes. One of them is to successfully prove the vessel’s nationality at the moment of navigating international waters. So if you sail on foreign waters, your certificate of documentation provides you the status and protection of a U.S. flag vessel. If you own a ship…

Federally Documented Vessel Requirements You Need to Know

The criteria for vessels specified by the federal government are critical for vessel owners to understand. Maintaining your USCG documentation is subject to strict rules and regulations that must be adhered to. This section will provide a high-level summary of the most significant criteria you should be aware of. Suppose you aren’t acquainted with the…

A Fast, Convenient Alternative to the Coast Guard Portal

What is a coast guard portal? If you’re like the majority of vessel owners, you’re undoubtedly already aware of the U.S. Coast Guard’s online registration and documentation site for vessel owners. Although the Coast Guard Portal is a vital information resource, it may be sluggish and unpleasant to use at times. Fortunately, there is a…

USCG documentation center

USCG Documentation Center to Initiate Documentation in 2024

The USCG documentation center stores all documented vessels. But there is no need for you to go there just to submit your application. Instead, you can use our website to initiate the process. It is important to remember though that not all vessels can be documented. Here are the details you must know before submitting…

Coast Guard Documentation Vs. State Registration

The SC-28 offers local advantages and national privileges regarding Coast Guard documentation vs. state registration. Because there is no state vessel registration or decal fee, you will save money. Check with your state’s department of motor vehicles to see if this option is available, but it may be worth doing some research to see if…

Things to Consider Before You Renew Your USCG Documentation

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of renewing your USCG documentation, but the process will be a snap if you have the appropriate knowledge. Before you go ahead and renew your papers, here are some things you should think about. How frequently do you take it out on the water? Which aspect of…

Intelligent Ways To Decide When You Need USCG Documentation

If you are reading this, it is likely because you have already decided that you will be required to bring USCG documentation on your yacht. That is an excellent way to get started, but remember that this is only the first stage in the process. If you ask someone who has been in your shoes…