USCG Documentation Requirements on Registration Number

Are you aware that all boats and vessels registered in your name must meet USCG documentation requirements? We’ll go through the specifics of what’s required and how to make sure your registration number is up to snuff in this article. At least three inches high, the registration number of all USCG verified vessels must be…

Requirements to Qualify For USCG Documentation

If you want to operate a large vessel, you might be interested in USCG documentation. The United States Coast Guard is the governmental body that regulates maritime commerce and safety, and it’s responsible for inspecting and certifying vessels. The USCG has strict regulations about what makes a boat eligible for certification, including size, weight, horsepower,…

USCG Documentation Office

Better Than Going to the USCG Documentation Office: Using Our Online Service

If you’re a boat owner who is considering documenting your vessel, here’s one question you don’t have to worry about: should I go to the USCG documentation office…or not? As busy as each of us is in our day-to-day lives, it’s so much easier to just fill all of these forms out from home, work,…

USCG Documentation Vs. State Registration: A Complete Guide

If you want to register your vessel with the United States Coast Guard, you may do it in two ways: via USCG documentation or through state registration. Vessels registered under the International Registration Plan may be exempt from USCG documentation requirements and register with a state other than their home port. In places where there…

Tips to Make Processing USCG Documentation Easier

As the vessel owner, one of the essential responsibilities is ensuring that all of your USCG documentation is in order. When it comes to the United States Coast Guard (USCG), there are several different things you need to think about. You will require your formal Certificate of Documentation (CD), and that means you will also…

Minimum Size Required for A Boat to Get USCG Documentation

The USCG has certain size standards that must be met before a vessel may acquire USCG documentation. Vessels must be at least 25 feet in length and 7 feet broad to be registered by the US Coast Guard. There are, however, certain exceptions to this. For example, single-engine powerboats with a length of little more…

USCG Documentation Center

Can You Voluntarily Document Your Yacht without Going to the USCG Documentation Center?

The certification of documentation issued by the USCG documentation center is a powerful document. It opens up a world of possibilities and privileges for vessel owners. Whether you navigate the open seas for leisure, engage in commercial maritime activities, or simply cherish the history of your boat, this documentation holds significant value.  USCG Documentation Center…

US Coast Guard vessel documentation

Understanding US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Fees

For boat owners and maritime professionals, navigating the complexities of US Coast Guard vessel documentation is essential to maritime compliance. Whether you’re a seasoned captain or new to the waters of documentation, it’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of this process, especially the associated fees. Here at the Vessel Registrar Center, we are…

How to Maintain Your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation

You finally got your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation – are you worried about how you’re going to maintain it? Have you forgotten exactly when and for how long your certificate is valid? It can take a lot of work and time to get your initial documentation. So, the last thing any vessel owner…

Coast Guard Boat Registration Vs. State Registration

Are you a boat owner curious about the difference between Coast Guard registration vs. state registration?? If this is the case, this blog is a perfect fit for your needs. States have their kind of voluntary boat registry that must be opted into to use the advantages of the Coast Guard’s mandated registration. Boat owners…

USCG Documentation Fee

Eligible Boat: What is the USCG Documentation Fee?

If your boat is Coast Guard documented, you can clear customs quicker than when you have a State-registered vessel. However, not all boats are eligible for documentation. In that case, the only time you pay for the USCG documentation fee is when you need to document your boat if it is eligible.  The Importance of…

What Sets Our USCG Portal Apart

If you live in the United States and own a boat, you should become familiar with the US Coast Guard’s maritime documentation center or the USCG portal. When it comes to registering and documenting your boat, this online resource makes it simple for you to do so. There are many online resources, but the US…

US Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center and Safety

Sure, the weather is cold outside. In fact, for the most part in America, the weather is downright frigid. However, that doesn’t have to stop you from taking your vessel out with family and friends. The truth is that a winter boat ride can be just what you need to break out of a seasonal…

Finding the USCG Documentation, You Need Before Buying A Boat

Be aware of the paperwork requirements established by the U.S. Coast Guard if you consider purchasing a boat. Without the proper papers, there is a good chance that your boat won’t be able to be driven on the street. In this article, we will discuss the many forms of USCG documentation and assist you in…

Ways USCG Vessels (and All Others) Can Stay Safe this Spring

Are you finally ready to take your vessel out on the water this spring, but want to make sure that everything is safe? Has the weather gotten warm enough to the point where it’s time to get your vessel out of storage? There is nothing, nothing like taking your boat out after it’s been locked…