How to Meet U.S. Coast Guard Requirements to Own a Boat

If you’re a U.S. citizen and own a boat, there are specific requirements you need to meet to keep your vessel legally afloat. The U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for making sure all owners of boats and ships in our waters comply with the law, so if you’re not familiar with the regulations, it’s essential…

US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation [CG-1270] Guide

Are you considering getting a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s the right course of action? Do you have questions about your eligibility for a Certificate of Documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center, in part, to help with those exact queries. Of all of the forms that we assist…

How US Coast Guard Documentation Helps With a Boat Mortgage

Owning a boat means understanding the importance of having the appropriate US Coast Guard Documentation. Many forms of mortgages for boats demand that you have a boat insurance policy in place. How might US Coast Guard documents help you get finance for your vessel? A crucial factor to consider when buying a new or old…

US Coast Guard Documentation You Need to Buy a Vessel

When you are ready to purchase a vessel, there are many processes that you must do first. For example, ensuring that your vessel is correctly registered and classed with the US Coast Guard documentation is a critical step. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is a federal law enforcement and homeland security agency of the…

Find Your Vessel Using Coast Guard Documentation Search

Knowing how to conduct a proper Coast Guard Documentation Search can be a really helpful tool to help you out if you own a pleasure boat, a fishing ship, or a diving vessel. While this information is freely available on the US Coast Guard website, it might be difficult to find what you are looking for.…