How to Get the Best Deal on Your Boat Documentation

There are several factors to think about while shopping for a boat, like the length of the boat, the kind of boat, the horsepower of the engine, and so on. Unfortunately, the process of boat documentation needs to be more frequently addressed. Obtaining the required documents for your boat may be time-consuming and costly, so…

How US Coast Guard Documentation Helps With a Boat Mortgage

Owning a boat means understanding the importance of having the appropriate US Coast Guard Documentation. Many forms of mortgages for boats demand that you have a boat insurance policy in place. How might US Coast Guard documents help you get finance for your vessel? A crucial factor to consider when buying a new or old…

How to Get on the US Coast Guard Boat Registry and Stay There

It’s possible that a lot of people who own boats aren’t familiar with the US Coast Guard boat registry or the advantages of being listed on it. The United States Coast Guard maintains a database of all boats in the country that are registered with them as part of the USCG’s boat registry. The United…

Pros and Cons of Boat Documentation

Many commercial vessels are required to have US Coast Guard boat documentation. Typically, these are vessels measuring over 5 tons that deal in commerce or trade on the US coasts, the Great Lakes, US Fisheries, or other American or Exclusive Economic Zone navigable waters. However, plenty of other commercial, recreational, and pleasure vessels qualify but…

Looking For Coast Guard Documentation by Name

Is it in your plans to start looking for Coast Guard documentation by name? If so, then you know how important it is to have paperwork for your vessel. If you do not have it, it is possible that you will not be permitted to operate your boat or even renew your registration. There is…

All the US Coast Guard Boat Documentation You Could Need

Does it feel like you aren’t entirely sure of which documentation your vessel needs? Have you started to complete US Coast Guard boat documentation but found it difficult and annoying? Those are perfectly normal feelings. We have all felt that way at one time or another. It can seem like it’s all part of owning…