vessel documentation online for LLC

Steps You Must Follow to Process Vessel Documentation Online for LLC

Processing vessel documentation online for LLC is now easier with the help of our experts here at the Vessel Registrar Center. Keep in mind that documenting vessels owned by a Limited Liability Company (LLC) requires a structured approach to ensure compliance with United States Coast Guard (USCG) regulations. Whether you’re registering a commercial or recreational…

Vessel documentation service

Vessel Documentation Service: No More Mailing the Application 

Documenting your boat is a crucial step for compliance with maritime regulations. If your boat is over five net tons and used commercially, staying on top of its documentation status is vital. If you’ve recently acquired a boat and notice its documentation nearing expiration, it’s time to take action. Introducing Vessel Registrar Center, a streamlined…

vessel documentation online

MARAD Waiver Vessel Documentation Online: Use Your Vessel How You Want

Do you have a small, foreign-built vessel that you want to use to make money in America? Are you unsure exactly how you can do so legally? Yes, the Jones Act makes it clear that American vessels, whenever possible, need to have been built in the United States to engage in coastwise trade here. However,…