An NVDC for Vessel Owners of All Kinds

Is there anything better than knowing that your vessel is in the best possible hands? This is something that all types of boat enthusiasts can appreciate. At the National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC), our mission is to provide boat owners with the highest-quality services possible, regardless of the type or size of their vessels. Whether…

National Vessel Documentation Center

A National Vessel Documentation Center that Works for You

Do you want to get all of your vessel documentation done easily? Does it feel like it’s harder to complete vessel documentation than it should be? If so, you aren’t alone. Indeed, those are some of the reasons that we started the Vessel Registrar Center in the first place. Here, owners of all kinds of…


National Vessel Documentation Center Forms Streamlined and Turbo-Charged

As a vessel owner, you know how many demands there are on your time. A vessel is seemingly always in need of some improvement, some work, some form of maintenance. This is true in the middle of summer, the middle of winter, the middle of a ride on the water and basically any other time.…

How To Reinstate Vessel Documentation at Our Website

Vessel documentation and registration can be a confusing process. There is no need to panic if you are a USCG vessel owner who has forgotten to renew your paperwork. To use the Maritime Documentation Center, follow these easy instructions (MDC). Once your paperwork has been reactivated, you will be able to take advantage of all…

National Vessel Documentation Center

Ways Our National Vessel Documentation Center Assists With Life Changes

Have you gone through some changes in your life, such as where you live, and you aren’t sure how they affect your vessel documentation? Are you concerned about staying in compliance with the USCG even as you go through a period of transition? We know that, when life changes, essentially the last thing you want…

The Role of the National Vessel Documentation Center

The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is critical to the maritime sector. The U.S. Coast Guard has just informed you that your vessel is due for a 5-year documentation renewal, and you’re wondering what you need to do to get it done. Now, where do you even begin? What are the steps and requirements? Which…