CG-1258 Form

Everything You Need to Know About the USCG CG-1258 Form

Boat owners and vessel operators know that proper documentation is as vital to a seaworthy ship as the rudder itself. Among the myriad of forms, the CG-1258 stands out during the season of renewal. As we sail into the new year, a time of new beginnings and updates, understanding the CG-1258 form becomes crucial for…

USCG form 1258

Things You Didn’t Know About USCG Form 1258 When Purchasing a Vessel

Buying a vessel is an investment. Some people purchase a boat for recreational purposes. Others use the vessel for commercial reasons. Getting a boat means you get to experience the excitement associated with the boat. When you do buy a boat, you need to fill out one of the most important forms – USCG form…

CG 1258: A Better Way to Complete the Form That Does (Almost) Everything

Are you looking for an easier way to get vessel documentation? Or, did you lose your Certificate of Documentation and need to get a new one? Those are just some of the uses of the form CG-1258. It’s one of the most commonly used forms of vessel documentation (if not the most commonly-used one). At…

CG 1258

Form CG 1258 for Beginners

There’s a lot of responsibility in owning a boat for either leisure or commercial purposes. Anyone with experience in the world of vessel ownership will be ready to tell you that half of the background admin is all about the various documentation and paperwork that needs to be filed in order for your boat to…