Are you planning to purchase a boat? If you are, then you may need to secure financing. That is if you do not have the full amount in cash. Financing lets you spread out the cost of the boat over some time through regular loan payments. It enables you to acquire the boat that you…
Buying a Boat? Get a Preferred Ship Mortgage
Much like buying a home or vehicle, purchasing a boat often requires financing. This involves taking out a loan that you will make monthly payments on until it’s paid off. Also like financing a home or vehicle, there are several kinds of loans you can use to buy a boat. Paying cash is the best…
What is a Preferred Mortgage with the Coast Guard?
When you decide to be a member of the boating community, it is really important to make sure that you understand all of the relevant terminology that you are likely to come across in the course of your vessel ownership. This is especially the case when it comes to the financial side of things, and…
First Preferred Ship Mortgage: Why You Need One and How it Can Help
Are you a boat owner looking for an effective and reliable way to secure the ownership of your vessel? If so, you may want to consider obtaining a First Preferred Ship Mortgage. This is one of the most popular forms of protection in protecting vessel security interests and it can provide substantial financial benefits. You…