Maritime Documents that are Actually Useful

From the moment you get serious about purchasing a vessel, you may be inundated with different maritime documents. Many of these documents will be frivolous and unnecessary at best: flyers for sales, information about boats on sale, and the like. Some, like the kind you may find when you’re researching boats online, will be out…

Better, Faster Access to the Coast Guard Portal

Have you tried to fill out your vessel documentation forms on one site or another only to find that it’s far more complicated than it should be? Did you send in your initial documentation or some similar form, only to have it sent back to you on a technicality? These are just some of the…

MARAD Wavier Explained

Of all of the different forms on our vessel documentation services site, the MARAD Waiver, or the MARAD Small Vessel Waiver Program, specifically, is one that we get the most questions about. To be clear, this is not a kind of vessel documentation that will apply to all that many boat owners. That being said,…

About USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage Form

One thing we’ve learned over the years about USCG documentation forms: they weren’t named with regular people in mind. It’s been our experience that most people who own boats would much rather be on their boats than filling out some form. These are legal forms, designed by lawyers and legislators, so they can be a…

Preferred Ship Mortgage Explained

The “Preferred Ship Mortgage” is one of the ways that you can go about securing boat loans. Typically, this particular kind of mortgage is for vessels that are over 26 feet in length. For boats that are smaller than that, the title and a notation of the security interest recorded on the title should be…

USCG Documentation Forms and Winter Safety

All year long, we provide you with USCG documentation forms and service. That means that we have all of the Certificates of Documentation, Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port files and the like that you could ever be looking for. One thing we always want to emphasize is safe boating. Being out on a…