Sending Forms To The Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center

So you need to send some documentation to the Coast Guard, and have been struggling for a few weeks now. The bureaucracy of the USCG means that you have to complete all of the forms correctly each time, and with all of the documentation and evidence that is required. You might have thought that this…

Beyond Coast Guard Boat Requirements: Safe Boating This Summer

No matter when and where you’re boating, safety is always what’s most important. Boating during the summer of 2020, however, presents new challenges. The pandemic has upended so much and boating is no exception. While the primary focus of our site is making sure that you have all of the documentation you need to be…

Understanding Documentation of Your Vessel

Congratulations! You finally have found the boat of your dreams and you are ready to make your purchase. Your next course of action should be centered on ensuring you have the proper documentation moving forward. It’s not enough to hand over the money and call the boat yours. It can be a confusing, long and…

Improved Vessel Documentation Services

If you’ve been reading our blogs recently, you’ll notice that we talk a lot about “things we do for our customers.” We know that you have a lot of choices in how you take care of your vessel documentation needs. There are a lot of options, so we’re always trying to do more for our…

Why Your USCG Documentation Can Help You Avoid Pollution

As a boat owner, you understand the importance of clean waterways. It can affect the water, the wildlife and how your own well being. Having USCG documentation means you are a responsible owner. It can also mean that you care about your environment because you keep your vessel in good, clean repair. If you are…