One thing we’ve learned over the years about USCG documentation forms: they weren’t named with regular people in mind. It’s been our experience that most people who own boats would much rather be on their boats than filling out some form. These are legal forms, designed by lawyers and legislators, so they can be a…

The Comprehensive List of Vessel Documentation Forms
Embarking on a maritime journey involves more than just navigating the open waters—it requires mastering the seas of paperwork. In this guide by Vessel Registrar LLC, a premier third-party agency for USCG Documentation processing to NVDC, we’ll explore the comprehensive list of vessel documentation forms. From initial applications to ongoing compliance, these forms play a…
USCG Documentation Forms and Winter Safety
All year long, we provide you with USCG documentation forms and service. That means that we have all of the Certificates of Documentation, Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port files and the like that you could ever be looking for. One thing we always want to emphasize is safe boating. Being out on a…
Great Time of Year for USCG Documentation
The winter months in the United States can be difficult for boaters. You may want to go out on your vessel as you did in the summer only for it to be too cold to do. Or, maybe you do go out on your vessel but you have to put on so many layers of…
Preferred Ship Mortgage Explained
The “Preferred Ship Mortgage” is one of the ways that you can go about securing boat loans. Typically, this particular kind of mortgage is for vessels that are over 26 feet in length. For boats that are smaller than that, the title and a notation of the security interest recorded on the title should be…
Abstract of Title Vessel Documentation
“Abstract of Title” vessel documents are important documents to acquire, particularly when you’re going about the process of buying a boat. These are documents you’re definitely going to want to look at for a variety of reasons. As with many of the forms that you can find at our site, the “legalese” in the documents…